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Harry's POV:

All I wanted to do was kiss her but I wanted to give her time to be able to trust me, but it is so damn hard when my eyes keep flicking down to see her big plump lips that I just wanted to take in my own. I could see some sort of anticipation in her eyes but also a bit of fear, so I decided to climb off of her but not without giving her a warm smile. Thankfully she smiled back...

"Do you want to watch some TV or a movie or some music?..." She thought for a moment biting her lip nearly making me climb on top of her again, but I used all my power to control myself around this fragile girl. I wanted to bite that lip so bad...

"Movie?" I smiled and went to pick a movie out, seeing my favourite horror movie I put it in the DVD player and sat back down on the far side of the couch so she didn't feel uncomfortable.

"What are we watching?"

"Insidious Chapter 2..." she looked worried for a moment then bit her lip obviously wanting to say something but fighting herself about it.

"Can I... I never mind" Knowing what she wanted to do I pulled her by the waist so she was close to me.

"Thanks, I hate scary movies... I'm such a wimp" she chuckled to herself I found myself chuckling with her. Before the movie started I paused it and belle gave me a questioning look.

"We can't watch a movie without popcorn!" she laughed at me as I got up and went to make the popcorn.

Isabelle POV:

I waited patiently for Harry to come back with the popcorn, I heard footsteps coming back and looked up to see a smiling Harry with popcorn and fizzy drinks! Now its a movie night. He sat down and put his arm around my shoulder, I bravely laid my head on his chest and watched the movie eating the salty popcorn. I kept jumping throughout the movie which made Harry laugh so that sort of made the watching the terrifying movie worth while. We decided to go to bed so I brushed my teeth with the toothbrush Harry had given me and tried to sleep.

I couldn't stop thinking about my near kiss with Harry... Why had I wanted him to kiss me? wasn't he supposed to be the bad guy? wasn't I supposed to hate him for kidnapping me and hurting me before? I couldn't help but to think about how I wanted his sweet lips on my lips... I cant believe I keep thinking about him in this heated way! do I like him? I can't stop my mind from thinking about him and I couldn't help but to imagine what life would he like if we were just two strangers who met at a coffee shop or something and we went on dates and then finally fell in love with each other, but we met in an ally and then he stalked and kidnapped me... so why do I find myself still wanting him either way?

And to make things worse I kept thinking about that horrible movie and made myself too scared to be able to sleep on my own, I quietly got out of bed and out of my room making my way to Harry's room. I opened the door to reveal a sleeping Harry... damn was he cute when he was sleeping! He looked so peaceful and beautiful, his mouth slightly open as he breathed shallow breaths. I stared at him for a few more seconds then gently shook him awake, he groaned but when he saw me he instantly awoke and looked at me worried.

"Belle, love what's wrong?"

"I can't sleep I keep thinking about that damn scary movie... now I'm s-scared" His face softened and he pulled open his covers for me to climb into, the bed was warm from where Harry had slept on that side. He pulled me by my waist into his arms and I was enveloped into Harry's warmth, I rested my head on his chest and he kissed me on my forehead making me relax instantly.

"Goodnight, Belle"

"Goodnight, Harry"

I fell asleep warm and safe in Harry's arms with a smile on my face.

Sorry this is short but i'll be doing a double update today so hopefully you start to like the story! Please vote and comment, really want to know if you guys like the story!

- C xx

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