I'll do whatever it takes!

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Isabelle's POV:

A wave of worry hit me like a gush of wind and I couldn't deal with the thought of someone going to come after me, what do they want with me? I felt my hands begin to shake, noticing my shaking hands Harry gently tilted my chin up with his long finger and made me look up at him.

"Listen to me Belle, I am going to keep you safe... I'll do whatever it takes to keep you safe from whoever wants you okay? As long as you are here with me you'll be safe and happy because I want nothing more than for you to be happy and protected, do you trust me?" I listened carefully to his beautiful words and gave him a small smile and nodded at him.

"I trust you Harry, I feel safe when I'm with you" When I look up at him again I can see relief in his eyes as he furrows his eyebrows and bites his lip, he's thinking.

"What are you thinking about?" He doesn't answer me so I just stand there patiently waiting for him to tell me what's on his mind.

Harry's POV:

I can tell Belle is trying to talk to me but I am trying to figure out how to keep her safe from whoever is trying to get her. I know where we have to go... The safe house!

"Belle pack your bags" I could see the curiosity in her eyes and the way she was biting her lip to stop her from asking questions, so damn innocent.
She walked to her room whilst I walked to mine, I gathered all my clothes and toiletries knowing that everything else I needed was already at the safe house, quickly grabbing my phone and charger I left to go see if Belle needs help.

I walked into the room to see a frustrated Belle on top of the suitcase trying to zip it up, maybe I shouldn't have brought back so much of her clothes... I chuckled and went over to her.

"Need help love?" She scowled up at me and stubbornly shook her head no and carried on trying to zip up the suitcase. As much as seeing her struggle to zip it up was funny we needed to go quickly, I picked her up off of the suitcase and zipped it up in one swift movement.

"How did you do that so easily?" I smirked at her frustration and picked up the suitcase and started walking to the front door. I handed Belle the keys to lock the front door, I carried the bags to the car and put them in with ease.

I look back at Belle and instantly felt worried when I saw her pale face, I ran over to her and asked what's wrong. She put her finger on my lips to silence me, she uses her other finger to point to her ear as a signal for me to listen to something. I concentrate and soon cam also hear the ticking noise, I immediately took Belles hand and ran away from the front door, I heard one more tick and the bomb had gone off and pulled me and Belle off of our feet.

I looked up at my house to see it engulfed in flames, I. Am. Going. To. Kill. The. Fuckers.

I looked down at Belle to see that she was perfectly fine after I had shielded her from the fall.

"Thanks." I nodded at her and helped her up onto her feet.

We definitely need to get out of here.

We get in the car and drive away from what used to be my house.

"Harry where are we going?" I quickly glanced at Belle and saw how frightened she looked right now.

"We are going to the safe house" She nodded and didn't bother to put the radio on, she's probably drained from the eventful day we had. I put my hand on her thigh and subconsciously started drawing circles with my thumb to relax her.

"Baby, why don't you go to sleep"
She gave me a big smile.

"I like it when you call me baby..." before I could reply she had already fallen asleep.

Pulling the car over for a second I texted the boys and told them to go to the safe house and bring their girls with them.

After an hours drive we finally made it to the safe house. The safe house was a massive cottage made out of bricks but behind the bricks was titanium so no one could bomb the house, it looked like your typical house in the country which was the perfect place to stay under cover.

I got out and made my way over to the passenger side to get Belle out of the car, I carried her towards the door and unlocked it laying her on the sofa quickly whilst I go get our suitcases.

I locked the car and quickly carried the suitcases into the house and made sure to lock the door. Putting the suitcases in our room I went back for Belle and picked her up again and slowly carried her into our room.

I gently laid her down on the bed and took off her shoes, socks, shorts and shirt to put her in her pyjamas. Even though I like it more when she wears my clothes I thought she would have liked to be in her own pyjamas.

I tucked her in bed and pulled of my shoes,socks, jeans and t shirt so I was left in just my boxers and laid beside the beautiful girl that was already starting to break down my walls and make her way into my heart. I closed my eyes and was pulled into a deep sleep.

I hope you guys liked this one!! Please vote and comment and I just wanted to say thank you for actually taking your time to read my fanfic! I love you guys!

- C xx

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