The Fight Part 1

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Isabelle's POV:

It had been two weeks full of planning all leading up to today, today is the day we will end it all.

I am currently 4 weeks pregnant but still fit and good enough to fight, I just have to make sure that I deflect all the punches I will receive to my stomach. It is my job to protect my child, and I will do everything in my power to protect him or her. After the battle is done and I am still alive, I Can finally tell the man I love that I am carrying his baby.

I got out of bed and ran to the toilet due to the bloody morning sickness, and emptied out my stomach. Lucky for me Harry was already up doing last minute plans so he can't see me be sick again. I have managed to hide it from him for a week so he doesn't suspect anything.

I walked in the room to see Harry had laid out my gear ready for me to put on. I got changed into the black long sleeved shirt, tight combat trousers, combat boots, gun and knife holders and put my bullet proof vest on. I tied my long hair up into a tight bun at the top of my head to ensure that it won't get in the way of the fight. I walked downstairs to see that everyone was already in their gear and eating some breakfast, I walked into the kitchen and saw Harry making pancakes. I Walked up behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist, kissing his back to relieve some of his stress, I felt him relax in my tight embrace.

"Are you ready?" I could feel him sighing before nodding his head.

"Are you?" Was I ready? Hell yes I was ready because after Harry had given me that beautiful ring, I couldn't help but to look forward to what the future could hold for me, Harry and our unborn baby. So yes I'm ready to fight because I want a life filed with happiness and no fear.

"I am, I just want this to be over. I want to be able to live my life without worrying that these men want me dead!"


After eating our well needed breakfast we went to the training room to collect our weapons. Harry held my hand tightly all the way down to the training room, he reluctantly let go so I could gather my weapons. I picked up two hand guns to be placed into my thigh-gun holders, then picked my knife and put it in my ankle holder and picked up my ammo and put them into my back pocket.

Walking out of the room and getting in the car it all became very real, I was going to kill a lot of people today. But I'll be killing these people so my parents didn't die in vain, I hope they are not disappointed in me if they can see what I am doing...

Too soon we have pulled up at our destination and everyone has gotten out of the truck, apart from me and Harry. I could feel his intense stare on me so I slowly tiled my head up to look at the man I am deeply in love with.

"Could you sing to me one last time? My beautiful Belle..." I could hear the sadness and vulnerability in his voiceand it broke my heart into tiny little pieces.

"Its been a long day, without you my friend,
And I'll tell you all about it when I see you again,
We've come a long way, from where we began,
And I'll tell you all about it when I see you again
Oh oh, oh oh, oooh oooh oooh see you again."

"I love you so much my Belle, my beautiful Belle." My eyes began to water and I knew that I was going to cry, even though I tried to hold it in... it didn't work and i could feel the pads of Harry's thumbs wiping my tears away with so much love and gentleness. He cupped my face in his large, soft hands that I adored,

"Don't say it like you are saying goodbye Harry, because this is not a goodbye okay? I love you so much and that means I will do everything in my power to make sure you are safe. I can't and I won't live without you Haz... you are my anchor that keeps me sain. We will make it through this because we are strong and have an amazing life we can live. Together." I gently placed my lips on his for a long kiss filled with love and longing.

I pulled away and looked at every detail on his face one last time. His bright green eyes I feel inlove with instantly when I first saw them, his plump pink lips that felt like they belonged against my own, his brown curly locks I love to run my fingers through and his beautiful dimples that come out with his dazzling smile that melt my heart every time I see it.

We both jumped out of the car, I nodded to the others and we all began to walk to the place the enemies would be waiting for us. As soon as we stepped foot onto the gravelly dirty road leading to the abandoned warehouse we were under heavy fire. There were way to many people over there, we were significantly out- numbered.

Whilst running for cover I heard a scream of pain, I looked behind me to see Liam on the floor surrounded by a pool of blood, in a flash Harry was running over to him. I could hear him shout many swears as he cradled his best friends head in his lap, "Liam, NO!" I ran over to the love of my life who is in danger.

"Harry... Harry please, if you stay here any longer you are going to get shot. Please come with me." He still cradled Liam's head in his lap, I heard a gunshot and felt an overwhelming pain in my arm, I looked at Harry to see him staring at me with wide eyes. I glanced down at my arm to see that I had been shot, As if snapping out of a daydream Harry quickly grabbed me. Dashing behind an abandoned car I look around my surroundings to try to come up with a plan to sneak up on the enemies somehow, just by the left of me on the ground was a drain opening.

"Harry..." To focused on shooting the enemies down Harry couldn't hear me desperately calling his name... trying multiple more times I began to get frustrated,

"HARRY!" He quickly turned around in a panic upon hearing me scream his name, he looked relieved when he saw me unharmed,

"Don't scream at me like that Belle, I thought you were being attacked!"

"I have a plan, see that drain opening over there" I pointed at the drain and saw at the corner of my eye Harry nodding at me to continue speaking.

"Me, you, Louis and Rose can go through the sewers to surprise attack the enemies whilst Zayn, Perrie, Ellie and Niall can stay here and distract them." He looked at me with a proud smirk on his face, "I'll take that as a yes then!" Harry nodded before carefully telling the others about the plan.

I'm evil... but don't worry there is a part two coming up! Please vote and comment my lovelies!

Update will be soon.

Love, C xx

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