I should have been there.

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Isabelle's POV:

"Harry they have me! They have captured me and locked me up in a room but they don't know that I have a phone... so they don't know I am talking to you but you need to find me bef-"

The door swung open before a man my age came stomping in with an angry expression on his face.

"WHERE DID YOU GET THAT PHONE!" I pressed myself further against the wall the closer he got to me,

"Please don't..." I screamed as loud as I could before saying, 

"SOMEONE HELP ME PLEASE!!" The man came over to me and slapped me on the face with the back of his hand before whispering in my ear,

"No ones coming for you... not even your little boyfriend" he smiled at me before grabbing my phone from my hand and putting it to his ear. Harry had said something to him because the stranger replied to him.

"Or what? you don't even know where I am... Better say goodbye to your girl, me and her are going to have some fun aren't we sweetheart?" He looked at me smirking, I swear I have seen that smirk before... this man looked familiar. He caressed my face with his hand before I slapped his hand away.

"DON'T FUCKING TOUCH ME" I shouldn't have said that... His hand came in contact with my face in a hard and loud slap before he glared at me. Harry had said something amusing to the stranger because he laughed and then hung up the phone.

The familiar man looked at me and started walking closer to me before smirking and sliding his hand up my thigh, I squirmed under his touch, only Harry could touch me like this no one else... it didn't feel right. The man chuckled and removed his hand seeing my discomfort.

"What? You don't remember me sweetie?" At that last smirk I remember who he was... he was there that night, that night my parents died- he had murdered my parents.

"You, you murdered my parents... Why?"  He looked down for a moment, regret in his eyes which was soon replaced with humour.

"I'll tell you a little story about a secret agent who once killed my father... you see, my father earned a lot of money for selling things- drugs to be exact. He was good at it too, but if he didn't get his money people died. And if people betrayed him they died too- you could say he was a killer but he was still my father and he provided for his family, isn't that what matters? Anyway my dad was not popular with the secret service and he was their new target... An agent who pretended to be a policeman was sent to kill my father." He glanced at me for a second before continuing,

"He had broken into a warehouse my dad had taken me to that night and whilst I was outside playing with my friends I heard a gunshot and ran straight into the warehouse, where I saw a man standing over my father with a gun. The man looked at me and do you know what he said to me? Sorry kid. FUCKING SORRY KID!!" He looked at me with anger in his eyes before he took it out on my and kicked me in the ribs, I screamed out in pain before he continued the story as if he hadn't just hurt me.

"If you hadn't guessed already that agent was your father, he had left me and my dead father in that warehouse and left with a pathetic apology that did nothing to soothe the pain... I was 12 when my father died. At that moment I knew that when I was old enough I would kill the man and anyone he loves for revenge. And you probably know the rest..." He laughed at me seeing the tears streaming down my face.

"You are a monster" I said through gritted teeth, he laughed before he walked closer to me.

"You really shouldn't have said that sweetie" He swung his fist at me before I was knocked into darkness...


"Belle... Baby wake up, please wake up... I love you baby please wake up, I need you, wake up" Was I dead or can I hear my Harry's voice? Was he here to save me from this hell?  I opened my eyes was met by emerald green ones that I had grown to adore. I put my hand on Harry's cheek, checking to see if he was actually here, he leaned into my touch and closed his eyes before reopening them.

"H-Harry? You're actually here?" I began to cry of happiness seeing that he is actually here and cradling me in his arms of safety.

"I'm here baby, I will always be here..." I hugged him tight and kissed his cheek.

"Take me home Harry" he nodded before picking me up bridal style, I flinched and groaned in pain.

"I am so sorry baby... I will be as gentle as I can"

The pain was becoming unbearable and my vision began to blur before I was unconscious again.

Harry's POV:

I carried an unconscious Belle out of the door before I heard footsteps coming down the hallway, as quietly as possible I laid Belle down gently on the floor before pushing myself against the wall, as the man rounded the corner I grabbed him by the neck and pushed him against the wall, he responded by pushing us both back so I was knocked against the wall. I released him before tripping him on the floor and kicking him in the face so he was unconscious.

I lifted Belle bridal style before swiftly walking discreetly back to the car and telling the boys to drive fast. I had laid Belle down on the back seat so she was laying on top of me and Niall, he legs on Niall and her head resting on my lap. I stroked the hair out of face as I watched my beautiful Belle sleep, she is okay, me Belle is okay.

We arrived at the house and I told the boys that I would put the car in the garage, I parked the car and heard that Isabelle had woken up. She slowly lifted her self up and I quickly opened the car door for her before sitting back down in the drivers seat. she stood up and winced but tried to hide it so I wouldn't notice, I looked at her before looking back down feeling ashamed at myself. She put her soft finger on my chin tilting my head up so I was looking at her.

"What is the matter?"

"I should have been there Isabelle... If I was there and I was with you none of this would have happened. I am so sorry that I let you down." I looked away from her so she couldn't see the tears in my eyes.

She gently sat down on my lap in the driver seat so she was sideways, so that I couldn't look away from her, she placed her small delicate hand on my cheek.

"Harry there is no need to apologise, what's done is done and none of it was your fault... it was my fathers" she looked down and I could see the tears streaming down her face.

"What do you mean it was your fathers fault?" She looked at me before kissing me gently on the lips.

"Can I tell you tomorrow, I am tired and I hurt everywhere..." she looked at me sadly before giving me a small smile.

"Of course you can sorry" I picked her up again and started walking us inside the house and up the stairs. I gently laid her down on the bed. I tugged off her dress exposing a big purple bruise on her ribs... I was about to ask her how that happened but she was already asleep. I pulled her shoes off and pulled the cover around her.

"Lay with me... don't go" she quietly spoke, I took off my t-shirt and jeans before climbing into bed with her.

Hope you liked this one my lovelies!! Please comment and VOTE<3


- C xx

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