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Isabelle's POV:

I awoke from my nonexistent long sleep, ever since a couple of days ago when I had to leave Harry I couldn't find it in me to sleep, all I ever seem to do is cry myself to sleep knowing that he could be in danger right now and I can't do anything about it.

For the second day in a row I had the urge to be sick and ran for the toilet, I seriously need to stop having take out because it keeps making me sick... If only Harry was here to comfort me. I brushed my teeth to get rid of the horrible taste of bile in my mouth and walked out of the bathroom to my room to get ready for the day.

Seeing as it was summer I put on a knee length floral sundress and sandals, yesterday I went to a care home and put my name in to volunteer and help out the old and disabled people living there. I grabbed my phone and put it in my bag before walking out the door and walking down the street to get to the care home.

I was mere feet away from the care home when suddenly there was darkness...

Harry's POV:

I woke up and instantly felt numb again, I miss her so much and it had only been two days... I wonder how she's doing? I hate not knowing if she is okay and safe... I should probably text her and ask Hows she's doing. I sent the text and got changed whilst waiting for a reply, once I was changed I checked my phone and there was still no reply... She must still be sleeping, that's all, I don't need to worry!

I walked downstairs to the boys who were talking quietly to each other.

"What's up guys?" I asked and they immediately turned around from the sound of my voice. As always Louis was the first one to speak,

"Liam almost has their location so we were just going over plans" Why didn't they wake me up? I need to know the plans too!

"Why didn't you wake me up?!?"

Liam got up and put a hand on my shoulder.

"We thought you could use the sleep mate, since Belle left you haven't had much sleep and you need the energy for the fight..."

"Oh okay..."

I felt my phone buzz in my pocket and saw the caller ID... It was Belle! I immediately answered her with a smile on my face.

The call: (B-belle, H-harry)

B: H-Harry... *sniffles*

Once I heard her broken voice my smile immediately faded.

H: Belle... What's wrong? Are you okay? Please tell me your okay.

B: Harry they have me! They have captured me and locked me up in a room but they don't know that I have a secret phone... So they don't know that I am talking to you but you need to find me bef-


B: please don't... *screams* SOMEONE HElP ME PLEASE!

He hit her, he hit my Belle.


Strangers voice: Or what? You don't even know where I am... Better say goodbye to your girl, me and her are gonna have some fun aren't we sweetheart.


Another hard slap was heard, my poor Belle.

H: I'm coming for you...
Stranger: hahaha
*End of call*

Without realising I sank to the floor and screamed out before tears were flooding down my face. Niall ran to me and hugged me tight whilst I cried...

"They have her N-Niall, they have Belle"

"We're getting her back Hazz don't worry"

With that said I stood up and walked over to a sympathetic Liam and waited for him to get the address so I can kill the bastards that took my Belle and hurt her.

Within a couple of minutes Liam had the address and we were getting ready to kill.

Before we were about to leave the boys say me down before Zayn started speaking,

"Just listen to what I have to say Haz because this is important...okay?"


"The plan is that we are just going to sneak in to the place and get Belle out..."

"What? Why? I want those bastards dead!"

"And they will be just not today okay? We have a plan and we will tell you and Belle when we get her out and back here to safety."

I didn't like this one bit, but I had to trust the lads and all I can think about is getting Belle safe, I can't let my hatred for the enemies take over me completely, Belle was my top priority.

I nodded my head, a tear escaping my eye whilst I thought about what they must be doing to Belle right now. We all grabbed our weapons and drove to save my broken Belle.

Thanks for reading!! Vote and comment please!

- C xx

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