Happiest moment of my life...

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Isabelle's POV:

I woke up to the comfortable warmth that is Harry, holding me safe and tight against him I was in a world of pure bliss. I carefully unwrapped myself from Harry immediately feeling cold from the loss of contact and walked to the bathroom to have a shower.

Once out of the shower I walked out in my towel happy to find out that Harry was still peacefully sleeping but cuddling with the huge teddy bear instead of me. I sneakily watched Harry sleep for a few moments before getting dressed in my black skinny jeans and stealing one of Harry's sweaters to wear over my bra.

Once I was dressed I walked over to the bed and kissed Harry on the lips, already missing the contact of his lips on mine from yesterday. He awoke with a smile and gazed at me for what felt like forever.

"What are you looking at?" I said with a chuckle at the end.

"You are so beautiful Belle, how did I get so lucky..." his face fell and I couldn't see that beautiful smile anymore.

"What's the matter?" I cupped his cheek in my hand and he leaned into my touch. He looked at me for a second deciding whether to tell me or not, obviously choosing against the idea as he forced a smile back on his face.

"Nothing... I'm gonna get changed, I'll meet you downstairs" I decided to drop the topic and go downstairs for some breakfast.

Harry's POV:

I don't think I can do it... I love her. I love her too much to let her go. But I don't think I could live with myself if something were to happen to her because of me. As long as she is with me she is in danger... I'll take her home tonight and then she will be safe.

I walked into the bathroom and had a quick shower already missing touching Belle even though it had only been a little while since she went downstairs. How was I supposed to let her go if I couldn't go 5 minutes without wanting to touch her soft skin?

I got dressed in black skinny jeans and a plain white shirt before making my way downstairs for some breakfast. Walking into the kitchen I saw my favourite person making my favourite breakfast... pancakes.

I walked up to her and hugged her from behind, I kissed the back of her neck and felt her body tense and relax after realising it was just me. She finished up the pancakes whilst I sat down at the table watching her move around the kitchen. She sat down and gave me a plate of breakfast and then started engulfing her own. Wow could this girl eat food... I liked that about her.

After finishing our breakfast I took her back up to our bedroom.

"So what's on the agenda today Hazza Bear?" She asked with a smile on her beautiful face, wait did she just call me Hazza Bear?

"Hazza Bear?"

"Yes I like it! It's your new nickname from me..." she was so adorable... it makes this harder. I had to be closer to her before letting her go, I had to tell her how I really feel.

"Belle... I love you" she looked at me for a few moments in shock before finally speaking up.

Isabelle's POV:

"Belle... I love you" I can't believe the words came tumbling out of his mouth, he loved me! This is probably the happiest moment of my life.

I think a part of me always knew that I loved him, but my mind would never let me tell him how I feel, and now is the time to tell him my true feelings that have been slowly creeping up inside me without my permission... but I wouldn't have it any other way.

"I love you so much Harry, I don't know the words to sum it up and in all honesty words are not good enough to explain the love I feel for you..."

His smile immediately grew bigger as he hugged me so tight like he was trying to mild me into him.

He kissed me passionately and laid me down on the bed so his weight was on top of me comforting me. He broke the kiss and looked deep and intently into my eyes for what felt like hours.

"I wanna feel you Belle, I want to be close to you... if you'll let me, I want to show you my love... but only if you want to" I looked into his eyes and realised that I want this. I want him... I need him.

I nodded my head and he gently kissed me putting all his emotions in the kiss, he was going to make love to me, not just have sec but make love which was going to be special and show how much he loves me.

Things may be getting a little dirty in the next chapter ;)

- C xx

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