Chapter 9

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                        {season 1 episode 9}

The next day Hawk, Demetri, Miguel, Aisha and Sylvia are at this park. Miguel, Demetri, and Aisha are sitting on the bench and Sylvia and Hawk were sparring behind them. "I'm not overreacting, dude. I know what I saw" Miguel sighs. "Miguel they don't like each other. Like I said for the a hundredth time they're just friends" Sylvia replies dodging Hawks punching. She looked over at Miguel. Hawk kicked her in the shoulder. "Ow" she groans sarcastically.

They both walked over to the bench. "That little bitch." Aisha yelled out. "What?" Miguel asked. "You know that video I posted of me breaking that board?" Aisha asks. "Yeah, I filmed it" Sylvia says and looked at her phone. "Look what Yasmine commented" she scoffs and showed us the phone. "Oh shit" Miguel whispered. "I gotta do something" Aisha says. "Alright how about we kidnap her and have my boy Rico tattoo "bitch" on her face?" Hawk suggested. "That's a little harsh" Sylvia mumbled. "Wait, wait wait. I've got a better idea. Look" Aisha said showing us a story. "Party at the cannon that's perfect" Sylvia mumbled. "Hell yeah" hawk replies.

They went to the store next to the dojo. Hawk saying he's gonna but beer. Sylvia stayed out with Miguel. "Still not answering?" She asked. "Yeah, do you think she's ignoring me" he mutters. "No what if she's grounded" Sylvia says reassuringly.

They got to the party and Sylvia stood by Miguel. He was still stressing about Sam. Aisha walked over. "Still nothing?" She asked. "Nope, whatever let's get the party started without her" Miguel said and grabbed a beer. "Miguel the party started half an hour ago" Sylvia cackles. Her and Aisha laughed as Miguel took a drink of beer. He kept drinking. "Trying to get drunk?" Sylvia asked. "Yeah make sure I don't do anything stupid" he said. She laughed and grabbed a beer.

The sun setted and Miguel was drunk. He drank all the beer in the cooler. Sylvia was holding onto his shoulder's because every so often he would lose balance. "Another one? You good?" Aisha asks. "Yeah, im fine, Aisha thanks" Miguel said putting a hand on her shoulder and throwing the bottle on the floor.

"Miguel just because you're drunk doesn't mean you can litter" Sylvia scolds following him to the cooler. "Oh, they're all out of Mr. Pibbs. I got the last one" Demetri said. Miguel looked at him. He grabbed another bottle and slammed the cooler. "Don't fall ok? I'll be right back." Sylvia said to Miguel. She walked over to Hawk. "So how was the make out with moon" she asked. "first kiss" he smirked to me while staring at her. "That's sad"

"Let's go to your girlfriend" Sylvia grins and dragged him up. They walked over to moon. "Hey! You think it's funny crashing my party?" Yasmine yelled to Aisha. They turned to look at them.

"It's not really your party cause we were here first." Aisha sassed back. "Yeah well, I know you and your little karate gang think you're cool, but we all remember who you really are." Yasmine scoffs looking around. "You're just a fugly bitch and your friends are all freaks. Cmon moon let's go" she said as she walks away. "No I'm staying" moon argued. "I apologized to Aisha for what we did, and you should too." Moon said to Yasmine. "Whatever, you deserve them moon" Yasmine rolls her eyes and walked into Aisha, bumping her shoulder. "If you don't do something I will" Sylvia whispered to Aisha. "Hey Yasmine" Aisha called out. "Huh? What?" Yasmine asked walking back towards us. "Let me help you to your car." Aisha mutters. She then gave her a front wedgie her feet lifted from the air. "No mercy bitch" Aisha yelled and threw her to the ground. Everyone "oohed" as Sylvia and Hawk started laughing leaning into each other.

Sylvia walked over to Miguel who was stumbling across the floor drinking beer. "Alright sorry I left you alone you big baby" She jokes and put a hand on his shoulder balancing him. She looked up and saw Sam and Robby. Sylvia ran over to them. "Hey! Miguel is kinda mad" she informed to Sam and looked behind them to see Miguel walking over. "Who's this guy?" Miguel asked. "Hey, I" Sam started saying. "Wait, this.. this is your boyfriend?" Robby asked.

"Miguel, relax. This is Robby he works for my dad" Sam says. "Oh, with your dad. Ok, that makes a lot of sense" Miguel nodded. "What is this supposed to mean?" Sam scoffs. "Wait. Have you been drinking?" She asks. Miguel chuckled. "No, no you don't get to turn this on me. I texted and called you all day, and you couldn't answer me back once?" Miguel yelled. "No, i literally couldn't. My mom took my phone" Sam reasoned.

"Oh, that's so convenient" Miguel says sarcastically. "Hey man, just tell" robby was saying and then Miguel interrupted. "You get out of here!" He yelled, shoving Robby to the ground. "Miguel, stop it." Sam tries to intervene. "Hey man, you wanna try that again?" Robby pushed himself up quickly. "Try it again, huh?" Miguel went to punch Robby but Sam went in between them causing Miguel to hit her. She fell to the floor. "Sam, Sam look I'm sorry." Miguel started apologizing immediately. "God, you asshole! What the hell was that? My dad was right about Cobra Kai" Sam yelled. Sylvia's eyebrows furrowed as she looked at her. "Good luck at the tournament. I won't be there." Sam scoffs and stormed off. Sylvia looked to Robby. He ran after Sam.

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