Chapter 1

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A Young girl is standing at the railway station with some bags and A little kid holding her toy bunny plushie with a cute smile.Both the female are looking similar exactly the copies of each other.The younger one is wearing two pony tail wearing a cute little frock while the other is wearing a beige dress.

The are seeing of a 2 people who has tears in her eyes bidding goodbye to them.

Jisoo : Aerum Please take care of your self in Seoul Aww i will miss you both and dont worry I am always here for you

Jisoo Grandma : Aww My Ara ah will be leaving now here kid this is some chocolates for you and Aerum please take care of your self and her Aww I wish Seojin ( Aerum grandma) was here to yo both.

Aerum : Unnie i Know it is difficult for you but I have to move a bit forward to take care of Me and Ara.I know unnie you will always be here for me please take care of your self and I will call you daily promise and Emoni I know you are very worried but I take care of both of us and you also take care

Jisoo : aww ( pout) stop making it difficult gosh i cant control my tears

Ara : Ji Unnie and Eomoni please come to Seoul Please (Puppy eyes)

Jisoo : baby unnie has to take care Halaeomini here aswell I cant live her here sorry baby

Ara : OK unnie I will come to visit Eomoni and you here Ok ?

Making them chuckle at her cute behavior.

they were talking till the announcement was declared making them look at the direction

Aeurum Ok Unnie ill be leaving please take care of you self and emomni you also.

The say goodbye to each other and and the both sisters board the train waving goodbyes to both the female they look back to find them having tears she also has glossy eyes and both of them say bye.

Aerum makes Ara sit on her chair beside her and gives her some banana milk to drink while the little girl is looking outside the view as the trains moves till Aerum sits beside her and recalls her life and how it changed forever.

Aeurum Pov :

I see my baby sister looking outside the view all happy she is so adorable pure so innocent.I have to take care of her till my life.She not only my sister also a baby child for me the I love the most I still remember I was super excited when Appa and Eomma told me they were expecting a baby after 14 years of my birth.Well after conceiving me my parents tried to have another sibling of mine but unfortunately eomma has multiple miscarriage which broke us a lot. I Gave up on having another sibling while Halaeomoni was always there to motivate us till suddenly when after coming from school Eomma and Appa surprised me and Nana that they are expecting.I did everything to take care of Eomma during the pregnancy making sure to give her bed rest.While Nana and I would take care of Eomma and appa would always help us a small little family of ours.

I still remember on Ara birth Appa and Nana were out of town to attend some wedding and Jisoo unnie Grandma was with them aswell So me Mum and Unnie were together at home.Me and Unnie were baking cake and Eomma was in the living room till Eomma water broke at the 9th month of her delivery.

We quickly rushed her to the hospital while both of us were waiting outside the delivery room till we heard baby cries making tears fall automatically

Jisoo : Did you hear that its the baby(Excited)

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