Chapter 13

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Aereum pov :
I see a scene which shattered me today tears are falling from my eyes to see the scene which broke my heart completely ...

I see my love my child father having Lisa in his embrace while they are sleeping i couldnt handle this i was feeling like to vomit over there i see his clothes on the floor while hers aswell I took the wall support as i am feeling dizzy so much ...

I see Towards Tae oppa who is boiling at anger to see the scene with that he took the water jar in the left side and poured at both of them anger making Jungkook and Lisa gasp for air

Jungkook : what the fuck !!!

Till he realises he isnt in his room he sees himself naked while he look towards Lisa who is coverred in duvet to her upper half while his face turns pale till he sees 2 figure one is In anger while the other one is clutching the wall for support

Jungkook pov :

I was dreaming about my Aereum me and our little joy for some reason im feeling really happy in my dream our little family till i feel getting drowned in the water

I gasped and look towards myslef being naked in unfimiliar room till i saw Lisa who is covering herself having marks while i slowly look to right to see v hyung and Till my eyes fell on the person who i wont be able to face my baby My Aereum ... i see her clutching the wall having tears in her eyes

V : What the fuck is this Jungkook have you gone crazy what are you doing here with her naked huh !! You fucking bastard

Jungkook : Hyung its not ... (sturrering)

V : What the fuck are you doing here lisa ... and you bastard ypu had to this on Aereum birthday

Jungkook no its an misunderstanding nothing i didnt do anythimg i swear trust me

V : how can we trust you when your here naked are we blind huh are you

Jungkook : no i ...

lisa : kookie why are you lying to them atleast tell them we are in a relationship now its good they have seen it gosh we dont have to hide from it

lisa was adding fuel to the fire

Jungkook : You fucking bitch stop lying ...

Lisa : Oh really then let me show you this

Lisa showed V and Aereum all the picture of them and The chats of them making Aereum more shattered

Jungkook : I said shut the fuck stop lying to them i know your cheap tricks

Lisa : really Let me show you

lisa showed their intimate moment of yesterday making Aereum loose control over self

Jungkook : No hyung n....

Before Jungkook could speak V slapped Jungkook making him taken a back he sees Aereum who is heartbroken

V : Today you have proved to be your father son

Before he could go up to her Aereum slowly got up trembling ran away from there

Jungkook : Aereum !!!!

V ran after her to see her safety

V : Aereum ah wait

Jungkook quickly wore his pants and shirt while he was about to leave till Lisa stopped him

Lisa : aish jungkook stop it now let her leave we can talk about our futur now

Jungkook : You fucking bitch let me go

Lisa : but kookie

He slapped her across the face while he ran after Aerrum ...

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