My sister crash meeting Jungkook during FIFA 2022

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This is very personal and stupid story of my sister and my appa saw Jungkook passing by in Qatar Fifa world cup time aish My sister and appa are soooooo dumb ughhhh

So it starts with when JK came to Qatar to performance on 15th Of November 2022 he did his practise in Al Bayt stadium and he goes to Vendome mall Lusail i remember it was on the 19th Of November 2022
and that time my sister her husband and My dad were shopping ....

A shout out to Qatar Armies who maintain their Distance from him as it was clearly told not invade his personal time ....which all of them did listen ...and did not bother him

Soo back to story My dad and sister enter the  mall they are roaming here and there till they enter Celine shop they did their shopping till the staff is like Please leave as its a private event and chief guest will be coming

As dad understood and left out the shop in the mall

my dad says he saw a tall good looking  guy with His team around and the security is making sure that the coust is clear

he sees him with up passing by but he wasnt sure he was confused like

"ye dekha pehchana sa hain and then he heard !!! ...

and didnt recall till bunch of teenager were like Omoo Jungkook Jungkook !!!!

My sister was on the other side and then shee realised its Jungkook aishh this girl i tell you she passed by him because she left the shop and was waiting outside

Then the next day my dad says mene tere "hungkook" ko dekha heee is soo good looking and Bada handsome hain ahahhaha appaaaaa!!! Ladkiya kyun pagal hain samaj main aara uspe

But then his security came and escorted him and the Qatar Armies made sure not to disturb him !!!

The next following days comes my sister is Working at QF in the Education city stadium where she was busy with helping her Company management because during Fifa all University were closed so she had to work in her University stadium

the fifa preparation was going on .as thr South Korean team were practising their football again there comes Mr Jungkook

as she is QF member they were not allowed to take pictures or anything and he had police around him soo yaaa she didnt want to act brave

she had to put up professional act infront of the guest she told me how they had a handshake as she is employee and he greeted her aishhhh !!!! And then that was it ....

She told me She didnt care meeting him as she is not into BTS for her he was an Chief Guest in her company  but I was like crying likeee yahhhh !!! 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 Didi how can you say that I wish i was my sister I wish i could just see him from Faaaar !!! 😩😩😩😩

She said he bowed to her she had to bow to him out of respect and escorted his Politely to their team members aish didi till he leaves the premises aish

I was crying here 😭😭😭😭

Thats how My sister met Jungkook it was craaazyyyy !!!!

Thats how My sister met Jungkook it was craaazyyyy !!!!

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its during this time that it happen Yaaaah !!! didi !!

I know its stupid story but I wanted to Share this Didi I hate you !!!

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