Chapter 22

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These 2 week have been smooth like butter ... Jisoo passes gift to Aereum on behalf of Jungkook ... would take her for nightwalks so he could just take a glimps of his love ...who is always looks a bit stress .. he would always fulfill her craving like chocolates these days she only wants to eat chocolates and banana milk is her favourite...

He hasnt met her physically as he doesnt have the courage to face her ...

During the night with the help of Jisoo and Ara he would sneak into her room while she sleeps.. during the pregnancy and the medicine she takes makes her heavy sleeper so he would have sneak in and sleep beside her like today .

Aereum is sleeping on floor bed while Nana Kim is also a sleep in her room

Ara was also a sleep till she opens her eyes and sneakily goes towards the living area where she saw Jisoo there

Ara : Ji unni ...

before Ara could talk loudly Jisoo quickly covered her with her hand

Jisoo : yah Kang Ara stop shouting or else both of them will get up (whispering)

Ara : sorry sorry unnie lets go (shh)

The little one showed her shh while putting her tiny finger near her lips making the older one chuckle at her cute act...

Slowly both of them went towards the frontyard to open the door till Jungkook came covering him self

Jungkook : yah noona what took you so long ive been waiting for so long

Jisoo : sorry Jungkook Nana was not fully a sleep so i had to wait ..

Jungkook : ok ok now let me ..

? : Ara ?

All of them were zapped to hear the person

Ara : oh !
Jisoo : No !
Jungkook : fuck!!

Jisoo : yah Jungkook (punched ) why are you cursing infront of the child (whisper)

Jungkook : owhhh Noona what was that for (whining)

Jisoo : you idiot cant you see Ara is here huh ?

Jungkook and Jisoo were about to bicker till Ara stopped them

ARA : yah you to shh Stop fighting
Kookie hide its Nana

Till all them hear Nana

Nana : Ara what are you doing here ?

Luckily Nana kim cant see anything because of not wearing glasses which made it easier ./.

Nana : Jisoo and Ara what are you doing late night at the living room

Jungkook immediately was standing behind her making Them sigh

Ara : nothing Nana Ara wanted water and was not sleepy so i got up ok (yawn ) Ji unnie i want to sleep with you and nana lets go

Nana : ofcourse my little humming bird lets get you to sleep

Nana was about turn around till

Jisoo : Nana stop !!!

Nana : yah kim jisoo why are you shouting ...

Nothing i just saw something on your
shoulder wait

slowly Jisoo approched her and tap her shoulder while signalled Jungkook towards the bedroom..

Jungkook quickly tip toeing went towards Aereum room.

Jungkook pov :

After a lot of chaos I slowly went towards my baby room as i entered i saw her figure which cover with duvet she is sleeping on the backside while her right hand are rested on th side of her face while her left is on her bump shee looks absolutely gorgeous right now

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