Chapter 5

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Aereum Pov :

After finishing my work i went to my room where i saw Ara was watching her favorite show having her water eating her chocolates baby was so busy she did not realise i was just behind her making me chuckle

Ara realizes me behind and gleefully run towards me

Ara : unnie you came

Aereum : aww my baby was good girl hmm my cute baby

Ara: unnie Ara is sleepy

Aereum : Ok baby first we will eat dinner then take quick bath and then sleep OK

Ara : Ne!

I quickly made food for both of us and both of started eating while watching TV after finishing food i went to quickly wind up all my pending work and cleaning the kitchen while Ara was busy watching TV while eating ...I see her face side while full little crumbling while she is adorably eating food making me sigh I finished my work and take Ara for her night bath after making sure she is ready in her night wear make her busy watching TV while i go and do my night routine after wearing my night dress I see her sleepy off on the bed so i make it the TV off make her lay on the bed while

Ara : unnie can you sing me Lullyby please

I sang her favorite Lully slowly she went to her dreamland making my heart to see my baby having a small pout. I cover her up with small blankie...

As i had nothing to do and wasn't feeling sleepy I thought to go for night walk in the mansion garden just for fresh air.I slowly step outisde to see the night garden which really beautiful and breath the fresh air making me in peace till i remember today Young master has arrived from his mission fortunately i didnt get to see him I heard about his ruthless nature and i want to avoid meeting him...I heard from the maids about his womanizing nature I better not involved in the gossip my job is to work only work. For some reason I feel stares on so i quickly turn around to see no one i shrugged thinking maybe its just my assumption so i went back inside as vie been to long outside and Ara might wake up and sees me not around she might panic so i quickly went back slept on the bed thinking about Young master so I quickly shrugged my thought of suddenly I remembered to call Jisoo unnie so tomorrow i have to call her in the morning.

Slowly i went to my dreamland.

Author Pov : From tomorrow everything will change in Aereum and Jungkook life...

Next day :

Aereum is getting ready for her daily work till a voice broke her chain

Ara : unnie ( sleepy voice)

Aeruem: Aww baby your awake come lets get your ready hmm then you can play with Minji unnie ok

Ara just nods while clinging on her while Aereum takes her for daily routine.

Tim skip :

Jungkook , Mrs Jeon and his sisters at the living room having their bonding time while Jungkook is all dressed up in suit as he has to visit Jeon Corporation today

While Jungkook is reading his company files as he couldn't be there to handle his work due to continuous mission.Other than a Mafia is serious CEO of Jeon Corp which he built over the years

his sisters and Mother are giggling

till a certain person who they dont wish to see enters making them face pale...

?? : Long time no see ( Smirk)

Mr Jeon

Mr Jeon

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