Chapter 31

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While Jungkook was driving his car in High speed he isnt able to think straight he was getting called from Jimin which the male pissed off so he answered the call

Jungkook : What Jimin Hyung !???
Ara : Kookie unnie not home Ara scared (crying )

Jungkook realised what happend making his blood turn blue

Jungkook : Ara baby calm down ok Kookie is coming and stay with Jeena unnie and eomoni all the time ok ?

Ara : Okay (sobbing)

JUngkook drove back home after taking the U turn back to home

After driving fast as he could he is imagining the worst possibilities making him scared for the first time he is scared he reached home and entered the mansion to see ARA wailing missing her unnie while Jeena and Mrs Jeon are consolling her while Minji is also crying Mr Jeon is trying to calm her down

All the hyungs are trying to track the house till Ara sees Jungkook and runs towards him and hug his knees while crying

Ara  : Kookie Unnie i want unnie ( sob)

Jungkook : wait baby i will find unnie ok please dont cry ok i will find her

Jungkook hugs her and tell her soothing words till He goes towards his hyungs who looked stress

Jungkook : what happend jimin hyung

Jimin : There is a strong feeling Aereum is abducted by the Malabol family but we will get all update from
Our secert agent within 10 minutes

Jungkook : I will not leave that bitches today hyungs I want all the soeul to be covered right away they dont know they have messed up with Jeon Jungkook ...

On the other hand

Aereum is tied against the chair while she is unconcious her legs and hand are tied while she has no idea what happend slowly she open her eyes and looks around to find no one around and is in an abdoned area she doesnt know the area making her

Aereum : Help Help help ???!!! Please help me

Aereum is trying to get out of the grip but is all vein till Mr Malabol comes from the dark smirking

Mr Malabol : Ohh so you finally work up little girl huh and that pathetic baby of yours gosh

Aereum : let me go please i beg you let me go

Mr Malabol slaps Aereum who is tearing up

Mr Malabol : Why should we let you go huh all because of you my 6 years plan went a vein all because of you !???

Aereum looks at the shocked abd confused while other one smirked

Mr Malaborn you dont know right kid what am i talking about ill tell you

Mr Malabol : It was I who set up the fire between the Jeon family who instigated Jeon Jungwo against his family... It was me who created fight between the father and the son huh it was me who planned my daughter to get married

You know why ?

Mr Malabol : I wanted the Mafia ...title ... ohh you have no idea how much i wanted to kill those Jeon but because of you everything got ruined you stupid girl !!!

Mr Malabol : You know what this child of yours is the heir of the Jeon why dont we kill it know what i will kill it with my own hands

Aereum flinched to the older and shakes her head

Aereum : Please let us go my child is innocent (pleading)

Mr Malabol took a dagger and goes towards Aereum

Meanwhile :
Jungkook is getting paranoid looking for clues but there isnt any he searched everything but all his effort is in vein

In fustration he throws a vase on the window making thebolder hyungs worried

Jin : Jungkook calm down dont worry we will get clues

While Jungkook was thinking till Mr Jeon comes in the library

Mr Jeon : Son the malabol have an ancestrial warehouse just outside seoul no one is around that place its literally abdanonded i am very sure they might have taken her there go Son go

Jungkook : hyungs you send the back up team till i will go and look for my Aereum there V hyung you stay here with the ladies

V : Dont worry you go

Jungkook leaves from there

On the other side

While Mr Malabol was about to stab Aereum she was praying one thing

Aereum pov :
Oh god please save my child its ok if i die please just save my child please (begging)
Jungkook forgive me im going i love you so much please take care of my Ara and my little bunny
Ara baby unnie is going please take care of you self i love you my baby ....(crying)

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