Chapter 24

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While Aereum and Jungkook were looking at each other after long time both of them were in their own world till Jisoo came there

Jisoo : Ara baby (worried)

Ara : Ji unnie !! (Crying )

Ara went to her and Jisoo picked her up till Aereum become furious after todays incident all because of Jungkook and his mafia gang she stormed of from there while Jungkook followed her trying to talk to her

Jungkok : Aereum baby wait please

Aereum is stroming  while tears are falling in anger Ara is in Jisoo embrace while Jungkook was following her trying to talk to her

Jungkook : Baby listen please just listen Aereum Ya Kang Aereum listen please listen I kno

Before he could say anything jungkook face turned the other side and was slapped by his baby his Aereum and he knows he deserves it

Aereum : what are you doing here huh ?? why are you back huh ? All because you just because of my Ara was kidnapped by your enemies ....

Jungkook : Aereum baby please i know you angry please just listen

Aereum : listen to what huh you know what Please leave from here and dont show me your face ...

Thats it Jungkook got really mad and pulled Aereum to his embrace while she was shocked with his behaviour

Jungkook : what were you saying huh ? noona take Ara with you home i have some business to take care off (anger)

Aereum : Jungkook leave me i said leave me we have nothing between each other leave

Jisoo : but Jungkook

Jungkook : please noona i want to talk to Aereum alone ...

Jungkook pulled Aereum with him while Ara and Jisoo left from there

JISOO : Lets go baby let unnie and kookie have to talk hmm

Ara just hmm and leaves from there in Jisoo embrace.

Where as

Jungkook is pulling Aereum while the young girl is trying to fight from his clutches which is tight around her wrist she is still fighting while He is dominating her

Aereum : leave i said leave me Jungkook what are you doing

He takes her to near his car while she is fighting with him

Till he pushes her against his car and lean completely close but because of her bumps he couldnt ..

Aereum and Jungkook were angrily panting while young girl was looking away the male was staring at her... in anger in hurt ...

Aereum : Jungkook leave me i said leave

But jungkook was staring right thriugh her holding her shoulders

Aereum : Wha..t ar.e you doing leave me .., i said leave me !??

Aereum : What do you want huh why are you here? Go back from here its ettter we stay away from each other

Aererum was about vro go was pushed again by him gently

Jungkook : why Aereum why ... why did you hide from me why are you sending me away why did you hide our child huh ? Answer me ...I SAID ANSWER ME GOD DAMN IT

Aereum flicnched to Jungkook


Aereum : He is not your child ?

Aereum lied to him

Jungkook : Oh really rhen who is the father huh

Aereum avoided looking at him

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