chapter 6

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Jungkook is continousely thinking about the new maid Aereum while he is lying on his bed whenever he closes his eyes her face comes making him quickly taken back so he gets up shurgging all those feeling.For the first time he felt a different sensation which cant be described in words.

Her Vanilla body scent is filling up his nostrils time to time making his heart and mind calm....for the first time in 20 years he feels calm

Jungkook pov

I cant take that girl face out of my head ...her innocent doe eyes was making my heart beat faster thinking about it ....shit its so much to think about right now what hell Jungkook she is just a maid...
Slowly he went to his dream land thinking about it...

Next day :
Aereum is at Minji room where she is getting her dressed for school while Ara is at her room sleeping after a tiring day...

Minji is a lot quiet than usual making Aereum a bit worried.

Aereum : young miss do you want some banana milk

Minji just looks down and nods avoiding looking at Aereum

Aereum : do you want me pack some extra crackers inside your bag

Minji : ne

Aereum slowly bends down to her level to see her still looking down

Aereum : young miss whats wrong you dont want to talk to me ? (Pout)

Minji looks down with a pout slowly starts to sob with that engulf into a tiny hug

Minji : Unnie Minji is so sorry it is minji mistake to play hide and seek because of me Ara was stuck it was minji fault

Aereum sigh looking at her chuckle at her innocent

Aereum : its ok baby its not your fault it was my fault i should have been there to be both of you im sorry you dont have to feel guilty hmm and please stop crying or else Unnie will also cry

Minji : unnie i think Ara deosnt want to be my friend

Aereum : hey baby dont say that she still wants to be friends with her Minji unniebecause Minji is the most kindest soul in this whole world

you know what after school me minji and Ara will play whats say

Minji : really ???

Aereum : Now baby lets get you ready ok ?

Minji : ok!! I love you unnie

While Minji and Aereum were talking they didnt realise who listen to their conversation... his heart beating queit fast listening to their conversation

For some reason he got more attracted towards Aereum first he was attracted to her physical beauty now her her kind soul.

While the 2 female were busy talking Minji saw her brother entering making her scream in Joy

Minji : oppa

Aereum saw jungkook entering so she stood up from her place and stand on the side bowing to her boss
While Jungkook nods but inside he doesnt know how to react but he cant help to not look at her

He was continuing looking at her till a voice broke his chain of thought..

Minji : oppoa ???

Jungkook : princess all ready for school

Minji : yes

Jungkook sees Aereum wanted to ask her a question but doesnt know how to start

Jungkook : hows your sister

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