Chapter 14

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Jungkook pov :

I see Aereum and Ara leaving me I am running after them as the raining pouring ill still run i want them in my life. They entered my messed up life and brightened it with their innocence i cant let them go i see My little butterfly who is crying not to be departed from me ... but I also cant live without her aswell while I see Aereum not even looking at me her face she is facing straight while Ara is looking at the window telling me stop her I was running after them but a rock came and made me fall on the ground I see the taxi fading away thats it.


I am crying my heart out to see them leaving

Jungkook : Aereummm !!!!!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhh !!!!!

I was banging my hand on the concrete road till i hear Jimin hyung and Hobi coming toward me ::

HOBI : Jungkook
JIMIN : Jungkook what the fuck were you doing

Jungkook : She left me Hyung she left Ahhhhh !!!
i was banging on the road slowly i passed out

Hobi : Shit Jimin lets take him the hospital he is burning right now...

Slowly hobi and Jimin took him to the hospital.

Time skip :

Hobi and Jimin are at the hospital waiting room till Jennie came out of the room

Jennie : he passed out because of exersion i have given him injection he will be fine

HOBI : Jennie till that time dont tell anyone about him

Jennie : You really think anyone would really care after what he did

Jimin : atleast you dont say that Noona ...

Jennie : whatever You guys trust him right do it but aftet knowing the truth I wont be able to honestly ... I a going i have other patient to check

Jimin : Hobi hyung how will we handle him

Hobi : I dont know now lets see (sigh)

After an hour...

Hobi and Jimin are sitting next to Jungkook who got up after flinching
Jungkook : Aereum .... I have to protect her save her

Jimin : Calm down Jungkook ok we are leaving calm down 

Jungkook was no mood to listen so he ran removing all his Iv went towards his car driving to find Aereum in this condtion...

Meanwhile :

Its 7 in the evening Aereum is in the taxi going towards Her home town Daegu Ara is rest her head on her chest sobbing missing her kookie Minji unnie and and Everyone else

While Aereum is thinking about her life how she was happy but everything chaged within a fraction of  second she was going till Booom

While Aereum is thinking about her life how she was happy but everything chaged within a fraction of  second she was going till Booom

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And  explosion happend...

meanwhile Jungkook is looking for Ara and Aereum everywhere has been driving all the places but cant find them so he got a call from Jimin who was also looking for her...

Jungkook : have you found her

Jimin : yes

Jimin : J..ungkkook you be..tter com..e to the forres..t near Soeul right now im you the location (crying)

Jungkook : what happend hyung

JIMIN : Just come right away...

Jungkook feels really uneasy so he drives towards the location in fast spead like a maniac

Slowly he reached to see Jin and V are crying while other looking down but having tears in their eyes

Jungkook : where is she Hyung did you find her
I want to meet her where is she

All couldnt control themself

Jungkook : tell me where is she ??

Jimin showed him the view making his blood turn cold
He was shocked to see the view making his tears fall one by one

Suga : her car blasted Jungkook (sobbing)
Hobi :  she is no more (crying)

Jungkook : AEREUMMMMMM !!!!

He was trying to got towards the car but all jimin and Hobi are stopping him from going towards the fire slowly he started to cry like a lot child loosing his happiness his family today


And there he saw her dead today on her special day he lost her completely forever he couldnt see her the last time ... he his little butterfly who is gone tooo soon from this world... slowly he fainted making his all hyung gasp

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