Chapter 12

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Its been 3 weeks all are happy as Jungkook and Aereum are togather... Jungkook might be mafia king but for Aereum he is love dovey lover ...he smiles more often showing his bunny smiles .. pampers her love her ... This makes his family really happy to see Jungkook good side.

In these years they havent seen him this much happy his mum has accepted his and Aereum relationship also Mr Jeon is also happy about Jungkook changing though he has bad history between Jungkook ... it happend that faithful day when ...

Jungkook is backing hugging Aereum kissing her neck time to time while she is looking at the view at the rooftop after the kids went to sleep in Minji room they had some alone time ..

Aereum was thinking about something while Jungkook is kissing her nape till she moan while he sucked ok the her neck till he smirk

Jungkook : Gosh baby i just want to make love to you everyday..

Aereum : aish stop it we did already in the morning (chuckling)

Jungkook : so what your mine im yours and moreover i cant stop myself ..i swear i cant wait for 8 months to finish then you will be official be mine

Aereum : I know you have the big mafia mission after that you can only marry

Jungkook : gosh i cant wait for you to be Jeon Aereum

Aereum was thinking about something to ask him but he was kissing her neck till she asked after taking all the courage to ask him...

Aereum : kookie
Jungkook : hmm ?

Aereum: cant you forgive your Aeboji now he has realised his mistake please ...

Jungkook  stopped kissing her looked away

Jungkook : Aereum I dont want to talk about this

Aereum : Please Jungkook cant you see after the incident he has been trying to change please

Jungkook : So you want me to forget what he did with Eomma

Aereum : Cant you see Eomma is happy after a long time she has forgiven him ...the more you hold onto your past the more you will be hurt Jungkook...

Jungkook : What about Minji huh ? You dont know how he rejected his own daughter his own blood

Aereum : He is trying to work on his mistake everyone deserve a second chance please....

Jungkook : Aereum I dont want to be related to that man please stop about it my decesion is final

Aereum : Please listen ?

Jungkook couldnt control his anger


This made Aereum gasp in fear she flinched and started to look down while he realised what he did he closed his eyes in giuilt to see his love sobbing while looking down ... he can control everything but not her tears

Jungkook sighs and goes towards her

Jungkook : Aish im sorry baby please forgive me i am sorry i couldnt control my self please

Aereum was looking down while sobbing slowly he pulled her wrapping her legs around his torso

Jungkook : Sorry my baby im really sorry please dont cry it breaks my heart to see you in tears please

Aereum : You shouted at me i just want everyone to to be happy (sobbing) I know how it feels not having parents you lucky that you have your whole family dont loose them

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