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After 3 months

All are gathered around the Jeon Mansion as the wedding preparation are going on of Tae  and Jeena all the family is preparing for the event while ...Jin is getting overtly excited as Jisoo is coming while other members are looking at him with a smirk as they know  about Jin liking towards Jisoo ....

RM : ahm ahm someone is too excited

Hobi : Obviously Joonie Jisoo is coming right Hyung

Jin : yah you brat aren't you speaking so much

while other were talking Jisoo comes with the help Jungkook driver who brought her stuff inside...

Jungkook got down with Mihi in his embrace making him smile

Jungkook : Noonaaaa !!

Jisoo : ya Jeon are you you punk and my Baby Mihi aww come to imo

Mihi started to Jump in Jungkook embrace making all of them laugh
Jisoo took her in her embrace and started to talk to the baby
till Jungkook smirk toward Jin

slowly Jin approached Jisoo who was busy talking to Mihi

Jin : Hey jisoo

Jisoo : hello Jin shi

Jungkook left from there while the olders were talking while Mihi is in own world

Hobi: Agio Hyung finally started talking to her

Suga : Yah after soo many days way to go hyung

on the other hand

Tae and Jeena came.inside the room while Aereum and Mrs Jeon were getting everything ready till they spot the figure holding hands while Tae was kissing his love hands time to time

Mrs Jeon : ohhh young love

Aereum : Agio Unnie you and Tae oppa are soo romantic

Jungkook : Hyung not here there kids why so much PDA ,(gagging)

while all the family were looking the couple in aww someone was pouting the whole time while looking away in anger

Time skip :

The whole Jeon Mansion is silent its dark but one room could hear baby annoyed voice while the parents are trying to calm down the baby... its more like Mihi is wining a lot today as tommorow is Taehyung and Jeena wedding ...since the time Taehyung proposed to the little girl GoMo she has been throwing Tanturam when ever she sees Jeena and Tae togather she throws Toys at Tae with a cute pout angry on her face ... Well thats Jeon Mihi for you savage Mihi just like her yoongi uncle...

She has stopped playing with Tae making the older gasp while fhe other dont miss the oppurtunity to miss to tease the male

Right now Aereum is trying to make the baby sleep who is been pouting lately a lot she avoids looking at her making her mother irritated...

Aereum : Jeon Mihiii !!! stop with your drama and have your food youve been acting lately

Till Jungkook enters the room to see his annoyed wife and an angry baby making him laugh at his daughter

Jungkook : She started again aish Mihi what is wrong with you huh (chuckle) out of all the people you had to have a crush on that Taelien hyung


Aereum : Jungkook you need to stop pampering her

Jungkook : Aereum ah shes only 9 months old and my baby had her first heart break...oww my baby is upset ahh come to appa ...

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