Chapter 10

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Today is Jungkook and Lisa Engagement at Jeon mansion where all the guest are gathered around .
Lisa is all dolled up while Jungkook is wearing his suits...
Most of the family members are gloomy except Lisa .
Minji is with Ara in her bedroom as she doesnt want to be part of the celebration meanwhile ...Aereum is all gloomy working as a waitress... Jungkook looks depressed that he will become married to Lisa not his love his Aereum.
While Aereum and Jungkook were looking at each other someone notice it making her blood boild.

Lisa is boiling up to see Jungkook and Aereum proximity while all of the other feeling sad for them.
Lisa seed her father right hand Taecyon eye fucking Aereum.

The celebration has intended and Jungkook is annonced as the mafia king everyone is happy for him

Later the engagement begins so while Lisa and Jungkook are set to put the ring Jungkook is feeling really nervous right now something bad is going to happen he doesnt know what is happening ....

On the hand

Before the engagement cermony Aereum left from there as she cant see her love being with someone else so she leaves going towards her bedroom till someone cover her face pulling her with them... she feels the touch is not safe so she tries to leave from there till someone pulls her back

She notice its none other than The creepy guy so she tries to leave from her grip

Aereum : Please let me go please
Taecyon : how can i let you go sexy I swear without even trying you just made me hard ...i cant wait to fuck the hell out of you
Aereum : Please sir im not those type of girl please

Before she realised Aereum is pushed on the bed and the guy is trying to rape her she is fighting her will but it is not working while trying to get out his grip her shirt is ripped making her gasp he was sucking on her flesh while she is screaming but he covered her mouth
He is making her disgusted she doesnt know how to fight him all her will is not working her body has stopped moving she has frozen she is feeling her dignity will be ruined she cant help to cry at her misery when she tried to get up the guy slaps her making her lips bleed from the side

No there is no one to save her she is lying till thrn she feels no one on top of her

And the guy is pullled back and punched by none other than Taehyung....

Jeena quickly covers her with a shawl making thr girl cry she hugs onto Jeena who telling her soothing words to calm down

Taehyung : How dare you touch my little sistet you fucking bastred...

Taehyung drags the guy infront of the guest while are looking at Taehyung in shock

Jungkook sees Taehyung punching the guy while Aereum comes in Jeena embrace crying ...

Lisa is gulping because all her tricks have failed...

Jungkook is shocked to see Aereum condition ...he cant imagine what ever would have happend if Taehyung and Jeena did not reach on time...

Jimin : stop stop Taehyung he will die stop

V : I will kill him today he tried to rape Aereum making everyone gasp

Jungkook is boiling in anger while Others members are trying to stop Tae ...

Mr Malborne : So what anyways she is a maid ... my man might wanted a pleasure that doesnt mean to punch him like that

Mrs Jeon and other look at him in disgust while Mr Jeon also didnt apprecitate what Malborne say although he doesnt respect Mrs Jeon he has a bad history but he would never force himself on any woman as thats not a true man....

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