Chapter 39

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Jeena was about to pick baby Mihi up who was crying in her granny embrace till the baby stops crying and giggle looking at the 2 particular figure
Jeena frown and turns around to spot Jungkook and Aereum at the back

Jeena : Oppaaa ,Aereum ah (happily)
Mrs Jeon  looks towards the door to see Jungkook and Aereum smiling at them slowly enter the house

Jungkook : Aww my princess sorry appa is very bad to leave you alone huh sorry baby

Jungkook picks her in his embrace and patting the little figure back who was smiling to see her appa she keeps her head on his broad shoulder smiling at everyone basically the little girl is showing to everyone her Dada is back now

Jungkook kisses her tiny forhead time to time shaking her making her calm

Mr Jeon : Jungkook son where were you huh

Jungkook : Sorry Aeboji its just i wanted to self heal my self from whatever happend in these months ...I

Mr Jeon : Son you dont need to say more im sure you had your reason

Slowly Minji and Ara ran up to him and hug his knees

Minji and Ara : opppaaaaa!!!

The little girls were way to excited to meet Jungkook

Minji : oppa i missed you soo much
Ara : Kookie i missed you soo much

The girl were clinging on to his legs giggling so he quickly bends down to hug him

Jungkookk : Aww i missed my babies to sorry oppa went for too long didnt he

Ara : kookie you know Mihi started to clap her hands now baby show kookie

Mihi was clapping her hands making the older laugh at the cute scene

Minji : we took of baby Mihi a lot right unnie ?

Minji ask Aereum who smiles and nods to the younger one

Mrs Jeon : ok you two stop bothering him let him rest both of you go and play inside

Ara and Minji said it unison and left from there while the older are at aww to see the scene

Mrs Jeon was a bit hesitant to talk to her son while looking down Jungkook quickly hands Mihi to his love goes towards his mom

Jungkook : Eomma ... please dont loook away from

Jungkook went and hugged his mum Mrs Jeon couldnt control her self to cry in guilt

Mrs Jeon : Sorry Jungkoook im very sorry i am a bad eomma im very sorry mianeee

Jungkook ; Eomma your the worlds best woman best mother and most of all the best Grandmother ...

Jungkook leavs his eomma and tell her

Jungkook : Eomma please dont cry (pout) now please look everything is ok now and i promise to never go away promise

Mrs Jeon smile to her oldest child while he also smiles till they hear baby giggle making all look at her at awww...

Time Skip:

Jungkook is with Ara and Minji who are non stop talking to their oppa obviousely they would after all he was away from to long

Aereum then enters with baby Mihi who was looking at her little aunts in aww till Jungkook takes her in his embrace

Jungkook : baby you like playing with your imo and gomo

Making the baby clap to him

Till Ara bought a toy for Mihi

Ara : Baby play with my Tata Plushie
Minji : No baby play with my chimmy plushie
Ara : No Tata
Minji : No chimmy
Ara : Tata
Minji : Chimmy
Ara : Unnie Tata
Minji : Chimmy

While the little girls were arguing slowly their voice was loud making the tiny figure gasp and
The baby started pout cry loudly making her parents gasp slowly Jungkook started tell soothing words

Jungkook : its ok hmm appa is here

Aereum : Ara this is not done look you made Mihi cry

Ara : Sorry unnie

Jungkook : Yah Aereum stop blaming Ara its also Minji fault dont say anything to my little butterlfy ok?

Minji gasps to her oppa

Minji : Oppa you are taking Ara side what about me (pout)

Aereum : Dont worry Minji Unnie will always take your side

Ara hugs her kookie

I love you kookie

Minji hugs Aereum

Minji : i love tou unnie

The both little figure started to show each other tounge

Making the older chuckle at their favourite people
Yes For Minji Aereum is her favourite for Ara its her kookie...

Slowly Aereum took Mihi and Jungkook sat on the floor to face Ara who was looking at her kookie confused

Jungkook look towards Aereum who nods to him smiling while Minji is smiling to see the scene

Jungkook : Ara you know my little butterfly today me and Your unnie are togather because of you ... only if you werent locked inside the closet then I wouldnt have not known about her... You know my butterfly ...when i saw you first time kookie wanted to protect you from the bad outside your little innocent baby for your kookie oppa ... you know you never left my side when everyone left me you were my little chearlead my little supporter
baby will you allow me to be your oppa (big brother) forever will you accept to be your brother will you let unnie marry kookie...will you let oppa be your brother

Minji smiles to what her brother is saying while Aereum tears started to build seeing the most emotional scene  Ara smiles and Hugs her kookie

Ara : Yes kookie please be my brother please forever please stay forever

Jungkook hugs his new would br sister in law now who will be his responsibility to take care of her cherish her love her like his little minji while the older girl was hugging Aereum ... while Mihi is smiling to see her oppa and Ara

Jungkook pov :

Thank you god Thank you so much to returning my favourite people back ... eomani and aoeboji ( kang parents ) I promise to take care of Aereum ... I promise to take care of my little Ara till my last brearh she will be Jeon Jungkook responsiblity , Jeon Jungkook sister , Jeon Jungkook chid just like my Minji.

From today Jungkook became Ara father figure , Ara guardian , Ara big brother (oppa)

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