Chapter 11

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Jungkook pov :

Its 12 am in the night I was on the bed sleeping till he hears sobbing voice he quickly got up to see Aereum isnt beside me

He quickly flinched to get up to see her side of the -...

He quickly entered but it was locked so after breaking the door he found her crawled up on the in the shower while she is cleaning her skin by scrapping her beautiful skin underneath the shower she is sobbing and scraping her skin

I quickly panicked ..

Jungkook : Quickly tried to stop her but she isnt stopping

AEREUM : i hate this feeling please take it out please i hate his touch please (sobbing) go away please

i saw how devestated she was i tried to stop her but then still she was scrapping her skin so quickly i had to stop her

Jungkook : Stop
Stop ! Baby stop!!
I said Stop Kang Aereum!!!

Aereum was continuing to scrap herself till Jungkook
Pulled her towards himself kissing her
She stopped her act surrendring herself to the kiss .
Jungkook was pouring all his emotions onto the kiss to make her calm slowly the kiss became steamy under the water.

While he held her neck from the back she was cassering his hair to confort each other ... after long psssionate slow kiss he let her go while their forehead are resting on each other...

Jungkook : its ok baby hmm
Aereum : he.. tried ...he ...forced
Jungkook : shhh i am here hmm please dont care it breaks my heart baby
Aereum hugged him tightly while he also hugged her inhaling her vinilla scent slowly the both looked in each other eyes detaching them sellves...

Aereum : jungkook please take this away from me please i hate this feeling please

Jungkook understood what she ment but didnt want to force himself

Jungkook : but baby your still weak how

Aereum : Please (whisper)

Although Jungkook was hard but her pleases add cherry on the top slowly he pulled her again for a kiss a deep passionate kiss their sucking onto each other lips while he bit her lips making her gasp he thrust his tounge into her mouth exploring it slowly both of them were having tug of war between their tounge but innocent Aereum couldnt control Jungkook power making him smirk...

Mature content :
Slolwly he pull her towards himself while he wraped her legs around her torsso lift her up while they both of them kissing each other...

He takes the girl while both of them busy making out till he make her lay on the bed while he hover above her kissing each other like no tommorow slowly he didnt want to stop kissing her but because of her breathing he stopped making them look at each other.

Both of them are looking at each other while the girl is tearing up where is staring at her slowly Jungkook goes downwards pulling her panties started to kiss her inner thigh while the girl is clutching on the pillow sides slowly she felt soft kisses on her heart making her gasp literally he started to lick her   wet pussy making her moan

He slowly started to suck on to her necter while the girl wrapped her legs around his shoulder .. her eyes roll due to immense pleasure making her moan loadly

Aereum : ahhh Jungkook something is coming

Slowly thrusting his tounge into her making her rolled eyes

The girl who is raw to all this doesnt know how to handle all the pleasure while the guy who is an experience person but before he would only fuck for pleasure but this time he is making love to his love his Aereum ...slowly she realeased making both of them pant while the girl is breathing heavily the boy his panting having her white fluid on the side of her lips ...
the girl is shy to understand so she looks away making thr guy chuckle

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