Chapter 16

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Jungkook pov :

She just left me ...forever she left me with this guilt this pain which i dont even recall ... I hate my self for this I hate my self for loosing my only hope my only reason to smile... with her i lost half of my family who just broke all ties with me my own mother my sister my hyungs left me and i dont blame them ...with her i lost my little butterflies who run around me callling me kookie kookie (tears) i still remember my little butterfly was trying to hold on to me while unnie was trying to take her away he crying face when she was banging on the window with her tiny fist to open so she could come to my embrace ...

My little butterfly also left me ...

I still remember when i woke up after 4 days in the hospital everything was over I cried the whole day crying my self slowly i fell a sleep crying ...

But my heart says she is alive I can feel her alive ...

After 5 weeks of her demise Lisa came to the mansion saying she is pregnant

I was forced to take the responsibility of the baby but i know i did not do anything with her that day i still remember how can i even touch anyone other than my love my Aereum ...

I forced to be her husband but now i really have no feelings with anyone i made sure to tell Lisa on the first day there are no feeling attached ...

I am here at the bar gulping my beer being intoxictaed

Slowly i went home to see my mum and dad are in the living room waiting for me while dad is disappointed mum looks angry ...

Mrs Jeon : Jeon Jungkook !!! What are you doing to yourself huh ??? are you again drunk

Jungkook : Ani look i am not

Mrs Jeon : look at yourself Jungkook move on from everything you did everything what you had to aleast
do you want Aereum soul to be in trouble seeing you in this condition huh atleast for her stop drinking !!!

Mrs Jeon : if only you didnt break that poor girl heart she would have been alive with us ... now

Before Mrs Jeon could complete Jungkook with anger started to break everything making his parents gasp

He used his fist to break all the glasses taking out all his anger on the glasses around him making all of them shocked

He hates this feeling and everyone reminding him is making it worst he hates himself for ignoring her hates herself to hurt hates him for her tears ...

His blood is coming out from his hand while he is hitting himself he has turned into maniac and the only person who can tame him is his Aereum...

He wants her warmth her love to control this monster...

Mrs Jeon : stop Jungkook stop !!!


Jeena and Minji come running with the loud noise to hear and gasp to see the dreadful scene

Jeena : oppaaa stop !!!
Minji is howling to see Jungkook hurting himself

Mr Jeon tries to stop himself but is in vain but a lot of strenght he stops Jungkook

Jungkook : Ahhhhhhhhh !!!!! Why Arereum why you left me whyy !!! Please come back please ...i promise to take all the punishment but come back please !!! I am sorry baby please come back

All his family are in tears to see Jungkook condition

He was about to hurt himself but minji stopped him

Minji : Oppa stop please i dont want to loose you please (cry) please stop drinking the bad drink i already lost unnie and Ara please dont leave me...please

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