Chapter 7

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Jungkook drives fast as he can cause right now he only wants to see is Aereum so as everyone is a sleep at night all the staff went to sleep.

He is heavily drunk at the moment he feels anger jeloues towards Aereum he wants her explanation ahy is she ignoring what is she doing to him. He wants to pour all his emotion infront Aereum and wants only her her warmth ...

His drunk state for reason is taking him to do somthing

So without thinking about the future consequences he goes towards her room and bangs on her room door slowly the door opens and he sees the person he is dying to see all this time

He sees her in satin nightgown having wet hair the pendent around her milky skin is making no more less is making her beautiful he looks towards her confused eyes slowly notice the valley of clevages and without thinking about the consequences he pulls her by holding the back of her head using his tattoo arm and crashes her lips on her.The female doesnt realise what is happening so she tries to push him but he was fast enough to hold her tiny writst and twist it at the back and pulls her majing her crash into him slowly he pushes her inside the room while he kicked the door closed and started passionately kissing her. His plump lips suck on to her cherry one while the girl doesnt understand what js going on so slowly he bit her lower lips making her gasp he inserted his tounge inside her mouth both of them were tounge fight with other but the male won making him smirk slowly Aereum surrendered to her true feeling towards jungkook and started kissing back she wrapped her arm around his neck making him smirk. Both of them were kissing like no tommorow as if kissing each other will give them back their life. Jungkook slowly removed his blazer from his shoulder while kissing her and pulled his tie.
Their lips were with each other. Slowly he pulled her towards himself and dragged her towards the bed making her lie on the bed while he hover above hee.

Slowly she taps his shoulder as she is out of breath. He slowly let go of her lips to look into her beautiful eyes which shows her innocence.. slowly Jungkook started to give kisses on her neck making her milky skin have dark marks of love on it by him . She is also feeling the love but slowly she inhale the smell of female perfume and lips mark and dark hickey which made her realised that she is one of his pleasure girl while she thought it is out of all love and compassion.

All this time she thought he also feels the same as her but no he doesnt he thinks of his Pleasure puppet while he is in cloud nine as she respricated to his kiss. He slowly kissing her neck marking it while slowly she started to wail to make him stop all his action... the last thing he saw her tearing up realising he has crossed the line he saw her teary eyes which are broken he didnt know what happen suddenly but when he saw her sobs it had broken hus heart
Due his passed out because of heavily drinking.
She slowly removes from her body and gets up and slowly goes to her bathroom and sees the mark he has given her though first she thought it was out of love but seeing his marks and lipstick stains she realised she is one of his puppet of his lust ...she turns on the shower and started to sob on her love ... how she thought he also felt the same but in her pov it was just his game.
She feels shattered
The water is running her head while her tears are mixing with it.
One thing that she is happy about that her firtst kiss was by her own lover but then knows he will not be hers anymore after tommorow...

Jungkook doesnt realise that he has broken his love heart because of one misunderstanding ...

Next day :

Jungkook pov :
I Woke up from my sleep I had bad hangover so slowly i got up to realise the room i am in is not mine...but this room is in my mansion I see around to find out its one of the staffrooms but the smells around this is soo similar and my favourite i get up to see picture of Aereum and Ara photoframe ... I quickly realised im in their room I sit on the bed and saw my coat and Tie is lying on the flow while my white shirt button are completely open displaying my chest ...shit did i do something Aereum when i came here then i quickly close my eyes to realise whT happend i still remember its was just me and her its was our moment how we madeout ..she gladly accepted my feeling which made me in cloud 9 ... its was the best moment of my entire life where my Aereum yes she is mine now and we were in our world kissing each other to show how much we crave for each other ... i still remember everythinf having a smile on my face till she stopped me and suddenly started to tear up... why?

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