Chapter 28

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Mrs Jeon and Mr Jeon look towards Aereum who is looking down words not able to face them

Mrs Jeon gasps to see Aereum till Little Ara ran towards Mrs Jeon and hugs her

Ara : Eomaniii !!

Little Ara hugs Mrs Jeon who also becomes emotional to see them alive she presumed them dead

While Mrs Jeon bends down and Hugs Ara who is also hugging her Eomani

MRS Jeon :: Aww my little baby Ara how you my child
Shee sees her and kisses her forehead making hwe smile gleefully to her

ARA : Eomani I missed you s ooo much you Aboeji Jeena unnie Minji unnie everyone i missed you soo much

Mrs Jeon chuckles with tears in her eyes to listen to the little one talk

Mr Jeon : Aww Ara we also missed you

And he pats her head

till Minji and Jeena comes after listening to the chaos ...

Minji : eomma what

She sees the two figure not believing who it is and became shock to see them here without thinking Minji goes and Hugs Ara as she missed her bestfriend for a long time

Minji : Araaa !!!! unnieee !!!
Ara : Unnieee !!

Both of them hug making the older chuckle

Ara : Unnie Ara missed soo much
Minji : Aww baby unnie missed you too lets go and play

The little one ran inside leaving the olders ...

Mrs Jeon goes towards Aereum who is looking  down not able to face the elders

Mrs Jeon : Aereum ah dear (chocking )
Is this your and Jungkook baby ?

Aereum nods to them while they feel so happy and without thinking Mrs Jeon embraced her into a hug making them all look at view in aww

Mrs Jeon : thank god you both are safe thank god you have no idea how much we missed you soo much dear

Aereum also couldnt control her self to tear out as she missed Mrs Jeon after the death of her parents and Nana she felt the motherly love from her

Mrs Jeon : why did you leave us Aereum why ? Didnt you want to stay with your eomma (fake pouting )

Aereum : eomma i missed you so much aswell you have no idea everyday there wsnt it when i didnt remember you all

Jeena comes towards her abd hugs her

Jeena : aww my Aereum ahh dont leave us ever please you made us worried sick

Aereum : yes unnie sorry

Mrs Jeon casser her bump

Mrs Jeon : I will be a grandma soon awww i cant wait now right yeobo ?

Mr Jeon : Yubi we both will be grandparents ,Aereum come inside my child

Aereum comes inside while Mr and Mrs Jeon are now in cloud 9 to see Aereum healthy they definately love her as their daughter.
After her entering their life .. Jeon family became a normal family but their happiness doesnt last long when they see Jungkook ... while Mr Jeon is disappointer Mrs Jeon looks away in anger to see her son which isnt unoticed by Aereum

Jeena looks towards Aereum confused face taps her hand to tell everything will be alright

Time skip :

Mrs Jeon Jeena and Aereum are in Mrs Jeon room where she is talking to her and giving pregnancy tips to her

Mrs Jeon : Aww i cant wait now .. Aereum i will now take care of you ok and you have to do one thing is rest

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