Chapter 34

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While Jungkook was looking at Aereum who was crying in pain the truck came and was about to class onto them but before that Jungkook was safe enough to save the car but got crashed to a car...

Jungkook reflexes worked the first thing is he protected the baby with his hand while Aereum was safe enough but Jungkook got heart on the forehead making it bleed ...

Jungkook tried starting the car but it stopped working making them really in dead situation

Jungkook tried calling his hyungs but all were a fail because of the network issue in the area due to rain

Jungkook : baby please relax please

Aereum : i cant anymore i can feel the baby will be coming out soon please ahhh

Jungkook was in the most stressful and difficult situation of his life
He went of the car to see something and saw which bright his eyes it was not only a house it was a cottage ... more like an abdonaed cottage

In the middle of the forest between Soeul and Daegu

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In the middle of the forest between Soeul and Daegu

He looked around everywhere there is no one ao he picked up Aereum in bridal who is in pain in the car crying in pain and went towards the abdanoed house ...

The room looked so old with bathroom some old clothes everything was there

He made Aereum lye on the matress he saw and went towards the bathroom to washroom to wash his hands

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He made Aereum lye on the matress he saw and went towards the bathroom to washroom to wash his hands

While saw both of them are wet he removed made Aereum change and covered her only with old duvet while he was only in jeans

The girl is crying in pain

Jungkook : Aereum wait baby please I know itd a lot of pain please (crying ) please wait ....

Aereum : Jungkook  please do something i can feel the head

Jungkook was shocked with the piece of information makinf his body chill

Slowly he took out his phone and call all his hyungs it was fail so quickly he claled the person who gave life to him and called Mrs Jeon and it rang

Jungkook : Mum Mum ... Aereum please mum do something she is so much pain

Mrs Jeon : son where are you are you all safe please tell me son Aereum did you find her

Jungkook : Mumm I found her but she is in lot of pain please do something or i ll my babies please (tearing )

Mrs Jeon : Ok son please calm down first you need to calm down Jennie is here right now with us

Jennie : Jungkook tell me the child position

Jungkook saw beneath the child position sees a small head

Jungkook : Noona i can see the head

Mrs Jeon and Jennnie gasp to hear the news making the ladies shock

Jennnie : imo she is about to give birth its before due date
ok Jungkook listen to me calm down I sent the ambulance but it looks like due to heavy rain they are stuck

JUNGKOOK : Noona what the fuck Am i supposed to do now

MRs Jeon : Son please calm down and listen to me you will help Aereum to give birth ok

Jungkook is shocked to hear the news meanwhile Aereum is crying in pain

Jungkook : Me mum (trembling ) how can i

Mrs Jeon : Son if she doesnt right now we might loose both of them listen to me please calm down and get all the supplies ready

Jennie : Jungkook get plenty of water gloves all the requiered a cloth all those necesities and in the first aid kit go go go

Jungkook runs towards the car and gets the first air kid meanwhile Aereum is trying to breath in breathout

Jungkook comes back and gets everything ready  wash his hand and started the procedure...

Mrs Jeon : Son check of Aereum contraction how much is it ?

Jungkook : mum what is that!!??

Mrs Jeon : ok son can you see the head coming out

Jungkook : Yes mum

Mrs Jeon : Ok Aereum dear please push dear push

Aereum with all tries to push but all vein

Jungkook : Baby pleae push for our baby please

Aereum tried again but failed

Aereum is crying her heart out while Jungkook tears are not stopping

Jungkook held her hand while the girl is loosing her hopes and slowly is gettinf unconcious

Jennie : Oh shit Jungkook dont make her faint please tap her

Jungkook goes towards her and taps on her face to try making her wake up

Jungkook : Baby please for us for our baby for me please try again please (desperate)

Aereum held his hand while the other 2 are looking at it making them worried about it

Aereum held his hand while Jungkook is facing her verticals to see the baby slowly the baby heads comes and with that

Aereum :Ahhhhhh

Mrs Jeon : Jungkook Pull !!!

The baby is popped out while Jungkook is in shock to realise its his baby his own little baby quickly Jungkook does rhe further process and cuts the attached umbilicol chord as instructed by Jennie

And the baby his child his baby is in his arm today

Jungkook : I knew you were my little princess

Mrs Jeon and Jennie cry is joy to see their little princess while Aereum is also crying to see her child her baby

Jungkook is crying so much in happiness to have his little princess in his Arm

All of them were happy till Aereum said something making them shocked

Aereum : Jungkook the baby didnt cry (crying)

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