Arc 9-401: They are all smart people

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The skeleton players chattered incomprehensible to people from other worlds, and brought back all the captives they could bring back.

Since Xiao Wangjun intends to expand the territory, then some captives in this island must be exiled.

However, how to make these captives obedient and how to make these captives develop safely in the territory, all of which require the use of means.

It's not that Xiao Wangjun can't do it himself, but since he has already handed over the golden finger to Father Guo, why should he work hard by himself? Having already experienced it, Xiao Wangjun, who has so many worlds, doesn't want to climb to the top for a long time, so he just wants to be a salted fish.

When Feng Zhimian came over and was about to ask Xiao Wangjun how to treat those captives, he heard Xiao Wangjun smile and say to him: "Young future is just right, I was just about to tell you that the prisoners brought back by those players will be handed over to you." It's better to give it to the country, our motherland is better, there are all kinds of professionals, which saves me to use my brain. How to domesticate those captives, let them all be handed over to the country, I believe in my motherland."

The corner of Feng Zhimian's mouth couldn't help but twitch.

Although through this period of getting along, he has a little understanding of this person's character, but when he heard the other party say this, Feng Zhimian still felt speechless.

How afraid of trouble this man is.

Should he say that this person trusts the country too much? It seems that he has bad intentions. After all, people trust the motherland, and the motherland should be proud, but why does he still feel a little depressed?

It really feels like your country is being used to the extreme, but you still have to thank others.

"...Your Excellency, this is your territory after all. Have you ever thought that one day people from the country may all withdraw back, of course, that day will be very late, but you are sure that everything must be handed over to you. Will the country solve it? Will this be bad for you in the future?"

Feng Zhimian was quite sincere when he said this, and he was also reminding Xiao Wangjun.

After all, this is not their planet, and although they can appear here as players, if one day all the crises in this world are lifted, Xiao Wangjun will undoubtedly be the overlord of this planet by then, but if The other party has no experience in governing a planet, and if they all rely on another force from now on, it will definitely not be good for Xiao Wangjun's future, right?

Xiao Wangjun just laughed more heartily about this, he looked at Feng Zhimian very sincerely, and then he looked a little excited, and grabbed Feng Zhimian's hand at once.

Although this is not Feng Zhimian's real body, but Xiao Wangjun used it on his daughter-in-law, it must be the best one, so now Feng Zhimian feels like being directly held by someone's hand, which is similar to The feeling of being shaken by someone's hand in my real body is exactly the same.

Fengzhimian became stiff all of a sudden.

Xiao Wangjun smiled brightly and said: "I believe that my motherland does not need me to bother about cultivating talents. Major General, you also know that I have too many brains to use now. I still have to think about how Communicate with the law, how to get those gem fragments. Oh, I can't eat the food I worry about every day. I believe that the country's father will be able to solve all the small problems for me. Wait until the country After my father's people are all withdrawn from here, I believe that the professionals in all aspects of my territory will definitely be able to work on their own."

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