Arc 13-590: The beast is very cute

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Xiao Wangjun knew how to hypnotize.

However, he is better at hypnotizing others, and he can also use it in conjunction with his own mental power. As far as self-hypnosis is concerned, Xiao Wangjun is not incapable of it, but he has always been unsuccessful. After all, his self-defense line is very high, and it is not easy to break through himself.

But because this time he just wanted to recall the contents of the dream, he didn't even need to be in an unconscious state. He just needs to immerse himself in it, so this kind of self-hypnosis is still a little easier.

After Xiao Wangjun finished describing his dream with more detailed content, he found that Ye Bingzhi had recorded a lot of words here, and also drew some pictures.

Among them are the lake that Xiao Wangjun described, and the passage that the other party passed through.

Among them, there are two people who even trained with Xiao Wangjun, and those are the people who are closest to Xiao Wangjun.

The people who trained with Xiao Wangjun also had their own appearances instead of wearing masks. According to Xiao Wangjun's description, Ye Bingzhi now drew two of them, and then those masks.

Even if the mask appeared on a person, that person was also described, and the contents of these descriptions were all drawn by Ye Bingzhi.

Looking at these things drawn by the other party, Xiao Wangjun couldn't help raising his eyebrows in surprise.

"I didn't even know you could draw so well."

Ye Bingzhi paused and lowered his eyelids.

After all, he is an O. Before he joined the army, when he was younger, he was not sure what kind of path he would take in the future, so he learned all the hobbies that O would have since he was a child. Painting is just a It was just one aspect of it. At that time, he was looking for the direction he was interested in.

It was only after he was ten years old that he decided on the direction he liked, which should be in the army. He wanted to be like an A, but at that time the idea was not strong. What's more, there is an older brother in the family, so I don't need my younger brother to go to the army.

Even if he wanted to go there, he would have to wait until he turned eighteen.

Who would have thought that after he was twelve years old, his eldest brother suddenly disappeared outside, so he went to the army ahead of time.

Although he hasn't picked up his paintbrush much these years, he will never forget what he has learned, so according to Xiao Wangjun's statements, he naturally painted them all.

Xiao Wangjun looked at those paintings curiously, thinking that his wife's paintings were really beautiful.

It feels better than the professional painters in the police station I saw in the last world. She really deserves to be his daughter-in-law, and she really can do everything at the universal level.

Ye Bingzhi saw Xiao Wangjun's really happy look, and seeing the other party's praise, his heart warmed slightly.

"I just learned these when I was a child, and I haven't touched them for many years. If you think my paintings are good, how about I draw you a portrait?"

"Okay." Xiao Wangjun naturally agreed.

"Your paintings are really beautiful. Not only do you want to draw my portrait, but also our appearance together. If you don't find it troublesome, you can also draw us and Da Baibai together. In vain, they painted a little majestic."

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