Arc 12-534: Go to Father-in-Law's House

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Leng Zhiyi suddenly felt that Xiao Wangjun was really too bad.

Everyone in the Chen family was almost exhausted physically and mentally in the next month, and everyone gave one of their favorite things.

In the end, Marshal Chen's second son's beloved Xiaopao failed to keep.

Grandma Chen finally found out about this, and the two old people communicated again in a different way, and Grandma Chen's illness was miraculously cured.

The Chen family's son-in-law was also tortured enough, not only by the old man, but also their daughter-in-law, who was angry with the old man, would torture them too! Fortunately, the final result was satisfactory. When everyone in the Chen family learned that the old man had finally left, their eyes were all red.

This period of time has become the most special experience in their lives.

Xiao Wangjun's fever finally miraculously subsided two days after the old man left. For more than a month, he had such a fever every day. If he had no other symptoms and did not damage the internal organs, the others would be calm. no.

Finally, after feeling refreshed, Xiao Wangjun didn't want to eat smoothies anymore, and he didn't need to wear unlined clothes in cold weather.

During this month, Xiao Wangjun spent all his time in the hospital, and he used that place as if it were a hotel.

Except for the smell of the disinfectant, the rest is not too bad.

Finally, he can be discharged from the hospital. If there is any sequelae left by Xiao Wangjun, it is that he said that his skin hunger and thirst has not healed, and now he wants to touch Leng Zhiyi anytime and anywhere. When you can hold each other, you are not just holding hands. When you can hold hands, you will never be without contact.

Leng Zhiyi would say that at first he would feel uncomfortable because of other people's eyes, but after a month, he found that his skin had thickened under the influence of Xiao Wangjun, and he no longer felt uncomfortable.

Therefore, in the eyes of others, the two of them basically held hands all the time.

When Xiao Wangjun had a fever, he leaned against Leng Zhiyi from time to time, just like a koala in the past.

Now even after being discharged from the hospital, the other party's problem has not been cured. For example, they are sitting on the plane now, and Xiao Wangjun is sleeping on Leng Zhiyi's shoulder.

Obviously, it would be more comfortable to sleep next to him, but Xiao Wangjun insisted on choosing an awkward position.

Cold Wing also followed the opponent.

This time, they went back to their original city. Leng Mingfeng's birthday was coming up, and his birthday... was also a blind date party.

The other party is not young, and it's time to start a family and start a business now. As for Leng Zhiyi, the Leng family already knew about his situation and his relationship with Xiao Wangjun. They didn't think that Leng Zhiyi would still Getting married and having children, so I simply turned a blind eye to it.

So this time, apart from Leng Mingfeng's blind date, it was also Xiao Wangjun's first official visit to Leng's family.

Xiao Wangjun was not nervous, but he still prepared a lot of gifts.

Leng Zhiyi provided the family's hobbies, and Xiao Wangjun prepared gifts based on this.

The action teams are still doing their due diligence.

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