Arc 10-468: Want to tell the world

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When Sun Xingfeng woke up in the morning, his face turned blue and white.

He didn't drink much yesterday, so he didn't think he was really drunk, but the words he said and the things he did yesterday are all very clear at this moment, imprinted in his mind like a movie Among them, this made him even want to deceive himself and others.

He didn't know that he would behave like this after drinking alcohol, right? He would drink alcohol for more than half of the 365 days a year, and he had never behaved like this, okay? So maybe it's really the kind of day-to-day thinking and night-dreaming. Did I actually use drinking to do things that I dared not do when I was sober?

At this time, he and Ye Mingchuan were still in the most intimate state.

He himself couldn't fully remember how many times he wanted Ye Mingchuan yesterday. He only knew that the other party couldn't take it anymore, but he was like a ruthless machine, he couldn't stop, he wanted people again and again.

If he wasn't very sure that he was the one who did all those actions yesterday, he would have thought he was possessed by a ghost.

Even now, he is still buried in the other person's body, as if he cannot leave this person no matter what.

At this moment, there was a little movement at the door, and Sun Xingfeng's face changed, and he quickly pulled it off. The quilt on the side covered the two of them, mainly to wrap Ye Mingchuan tightly.

Just after finishing this action, the door was opened, and Ye Mingchuan's family doctor appeared beside the door. When he saw Sun Xingfeng's face, the family doctor was stunned.

After the family doctor was stunned, he took another breath of air.

Obviously already in his forties, almost screaming like a little girl, Sun Xingfeng's expression was ugly.

"You go out first."

Only then did the middle-aged family doctor come to his senses, and went out quickly, and quickly closed the door, trembling all over, always feeling that he might be silenced, which made him feel a little bad .

Ye Mingchuan also opened his eyes vaguely at this time.

Almost the moment he opened his eyes, some memories also rushed into his mind, and his body became stiff.

Sun Xingfeng seemed to feel something, and suddenly looked at Ye Mingchuan, his eyes met.

All of a sudden, the atmosphere in the room became more silent, and there seemed to be something else in this silence.

I don't know if it's because it's morning, maybe the man has some impulses, not to mention, this is indeed the person I like.

The two were already in a connected posture, so Ye Mingchuan became even more stiff, and his beautiful phoenix eyes widened slightly.

Sun Xingfeng really likes Ye Mingchuan's eyes, even when these eyes look down on someone, he still thinks they are extraordinarily beautiful, when they are angry and in bed... In short, every time , These eyes are his favorite.

As if bewitched, Sun Xingfeng lowered his head and kissed Ye Mingchuan's eyes precisely.

Ye Mingchuan's eyelids trembled.

"Sun Xingfeng, it's dawn now, are you still going crazy?"

"...Although I really want to dig a hole right now, I didn't want to admit to what I did and what I said last night...Ye Mingchuan, I really like you. I have been thinking about you since high school. I also met you first when I was abroad. The coincidence you thought was not just a coincidence. If you like me, you won't let me touch you, right? There is a bell next to your pillow. If you hate me, you can call someone over. Since we like each other, give us a chance, okay? ?"

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