Arc 12-546: I can't die

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What Sun Qi said was very sincere, and it was precisely because of his very sincerity that Xiao Wangjun felt some ripples in his heart.

"I see that you are not in good health. If you know what to do, you can start directly. We are all ready. You don't have to worry about our side. Look at how many people you can help every day now. , How many crimes can you prevent from happening. Those criminals will kill one more person if they are caught one day less. In fact, every time we hear about your case-solving process, we are sincerely proud of you."

Sun Qi's voice continued to sound with a smile.

"You know, I actually feel very happy now. Before I was with him, I thought it didn't matter if I lived one more day or one less. I'm not afraid to tell you that I actually thought about death, especially when I was listening to him. He said that when he was going to marry someone and have children, his blind date was so grand, and when he reached the age when he should get married and have children, I knew what choice he would make. At that time, I never thought that I would have a future with him. I never thought I would have a future."

"I originally thought that if I could watch him get married and have children, then I would live blindly in the future. If I couldn't watch him get married and have children, then it would be good for me to die silently abroad. I really didn't Thinking that he will accept my feelings, these two years are the happiest I have ever lived, I am already very satisfied, there is no resentment in our hearts, because we know that if you have the means, you will not let us There is no danger, so you must be helpless."

"Please believe me, please? We really don't have any resentment in our hearts. We only hope that you can live happily, and we don't want our affairs to cause you any conflicts. If that is the case, our death is not worth it. If we Your death can make the world a better place, you can save more people, and your relationship can always be so good, then our death will be valuable and worth it, right? "

"So, only if you are not happy, we will die uneasy. As long as you are happy, we will be happy even in the underground. We will bless you together and bless you all in this life. Stay healthy and I wish you all a happy life."

Xiao Wangjun finally opened his mouth lightly, "Don't you think it's really stupid for you to make such a choice? To sacrifice myself for others, I can tell you very clearly that I did not make such a sacrifice. Spirit, if I were you, I would choose to die, and I would fight to the last drop of blood, because I am the kind of person who would rather lose the world."

Sun Qi froze for a moment, then immediately smiled again.

"There's nothing wrong with that. In fact, many people think this way. I can't say that when we made this decision, we didn't struggle at all. Maybe it's because of the different education we received since childhood, or maybe It's just that what we experienced afterwards was different. In short, I am really happy to make this decision now, and I don't have any regrets. If you are really the kind of character who would rather me lose the world, then I think it's really great That way, even if we die, we don't have to worry about being bullied by others. You see, two people in our family have already sacrificed themselves, right? That's enough. As for the others, it's better to be selfish, okay? Anyway, this is also worthy of the country and others, right?"

Xiao Wangjun was speechless.

"I don't know what I'm talking about, but I really think you have a good personality. You don't know how much I envied you before. When I knew you were with Leng Zhiyi, I knew you Yes, I paid attention to you at that time, I knew that you were a little arbitrary in front of others, and I also knew that you didn't care about other people's gazes, I was quite envious of you at that time, maybe I had the courage to confess at that time, after all, I suffered Some of your influence, otherwise I think I might not have the courage to confess at that time."

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