Arc 12-517: This speed of solving the case

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When Jiang Huichen came back from the director's side, he glanced at the busy people and found that Leng Zhiyi and the new team member were gone, so he asked, "Where is Leng Er and the new team member?"

"They went out after reading the materials." Guo Lanhe said.

Tian Mengmeng immediately looked up from the computer screen, "Do you think Er Shao Leng will take that person to see if there is any ghost of the victim?"

The atmosphere in the room was silent for a while.

Jiang Huichen rubbed his chin, "Let's not believe in ghosts. According to that person, not everyone has a ghost after death. Like the three cases before, don't you just look at it?" To a ghost?"

Everyone thinks it makes sense, and this time the victims are two children... Children are much more ignorant than adults, and perhaps there are no so-called ghosts at all.

Of course, the premise is that ghosts really exist, and it's not that the person deliberately played them.

"Everyone handle the case according to the normal process." Jiang Huichen clapped his hands, motioning for all the people to come to the meeting first, and then arrange tasks.

At this time, Xiao Wangjun and Leng Zhiyi had already appeared in front of the abandoned factory where the first body was found.

They circled the factory first, and then entered the abandoned factory.

There were two little policemen from Dongcheng District guarding here, and they were only let in after Leng Zhiyi showed his ID.

Xiao Wangjun shook his head after looking around inside.

"I don't see any ghosts in this one."

Leng Zhiyi nodded lightly, and did not leave here immediately, but began to observe here carefully.

Of course Xiao Wangjun didn't know much about the case investigation, but he could tell that Leng Zhiyi was checking for clues here. He also looked at the side, but naturally he didn't see anything. After more than half an hour, the two left from the abandoned factory.

They did not go to the home of the first deceased, nor did they go to the vicinity, but to the second body dumping site.

This is the back door of that commercial building.

After arriving here, the two still turned around here, Leng Zhiyi needed to find out the terrain here, and Xiao Wangjun wanted to see if he could see ghosts.

This time luck was good, and Xiao Wangjun actually saw a girl's ghost.

It was a ten-year-old child, curled up in a street about a kilometer away from the trash can. The other party was curled up in the corner of the wall, if Xiao Wangjun hadn't looked carefully, he would have missed this place.

"Wings!" Xiao Wangjun shouted.

Leng Zhiyi, who was not far away, immediately ran over, and he didn't intend to say anything more about Xiao Wangjun's call just now.

"What's up?"

Xiao Wangjun pointed to the corner of the wall, "I saw Wu Mengmeng's ghost."

Leng Zhiyi paused slightly.

Xiao Wangjun slowly approached the corner, and the girl curled up by the corner looked towards Xiao Wangjun.

Xiao Wangjun didn't get too close, and stopped about two meters away from the girl.

"You are Wu Mengmeng, right? Don't be afraid of me, I can see you, but I won't hurt you."

Xiao Wangjun's voice sounds very gentle, especially when his eyes are staring at others, it seems to let others see the sincerity of the other person.

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