Arc 12-545: Our Wish

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Honeysuckle really doesn't know what this Mr. Xiao is thinking. She always feels that the other party's idea is very unbelievable. How can the other party act as if nothing happened yesterday, and she still wants to go to the art exhibition at this time? Aren't you afraid that you will be embarrassed when you see the young master of the Sun family?

Anyway, if it is Honeysuckle herself, no matter what other people choose at this time, at least she will avoid meeting them, because it is really too embarrassing, how can she really pretend that nothing happened?

It's a pity that I'm just a small person, I'm just an assistant of Mr. Xiao, anyway, as long as the boss tells me to do what I do, and now Mr. Xiao is my boss.

Honeysuckle sat in the passenger seat.

The car went all the way to Sun Qi's gallery.

Leng Mingfeng asked for leave immediately today.

And the application he submitted was for a long leave. If it is said that life is really at the end, then of course he has to accompany the person he likes well, he doesn't want to work in the last period of his life. He is not a workaholic, and he has already made a choice, so let's do it recklessly in the last period of time.

Leng Mingfeng's superiors were not easy to talk to at first, but for some reason today they were very nice. Anyway, when Leng Mingfeng asked for leave, he was granted leave. As for the typed application, it was a long-term leave. It seems that the above did not find any tricks in it.

After Leng Mingfeng knew that his request for leave was easily approved, he knew that his superiors might already know the choice they had to make, and some games might have ended.

Then today Leng Mingfeng went to the gallery with Sun Qi.

In fact, Leng Mingfeng hadn't really entered into Sun Qi's art. Of course he knew about the other party's work in life, but he didn't know much about it. He just respected the other party's choice and appreciated it.

However, after the two of them passed by together today, Sun Qi took Leng Mingfeng to see each of the words he had drawn, and Sun Qi would tell the other party how he felt when he was painting this painting.

There are still a lot of paintings by Sun Qi, but because each painting is made by him with sincerity, he still remembers the mood of each painting when he draws it, and he can tell Leng Mingfeng in detail , Leng Mingfeng listened very carefully.

Leng Mingfeng held Sun Qi's hand all the time.

Although he knew that this person liked him for many years, but because they didn't have many intersections before, although he knew about this matter, he didn't actually have a strong feeling, but now he listened to the other party telling him what happened when he painted every picture. When the mood seems to be related to him, the feeling is completely different. Now Leng Mingfeng just wants to hold Sun Qi in his arms.

It was only today that he finally had a very clear feeling that this person had really liked him for many, many years, and he suddenly felt that it was a pity that he had missed so many years.

He was even thinking, if he and this person hadn't missed so many years, if this person had confessed to himself at a very young age, would they have become an old couple now?

Probably because the regret in Leng Mingfeng's eyes was too obvious, Sun Qi immediately saw what the other party was thinking, and smiled slightly at him.

"You may not know yourself as well as I do, so I don't regret not confessing when I was young. If I confessed when I was very young, I think you would definitely reject me at that time, because you at that time did not You have experienced a lot now. At that time, you had what you really wanted. At that time, you wanted to stand out, climb up, prove yourself, and tell everyone that you were the best. You have to protect your younger brother, so if I confessed to you at that very young age, you would definitely not accept me."

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