Arc 10-447: One sleep for ten days

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The operation did not last too long. In fact, there was no operation at all, it was just pushed forward for some examinations, and the results of this examination...

The brows of the doctors were all slightly frowned, because the patient showed that there was no major problem with his body, and he was even much better than those young people in the general sub-health state, and there was no problem at all.

However, this man is in a coma, but they can't find the reason. They have tested the brain waves and other things, and they are all normal values. It doesn't look like a coma at all. If they are not sure that the other party is really coma, these doctors You must think that this person is pretending.

Pretending is out of the question these days, but it's a little more troublesome because they really don't know what's going on with the patient.

After careful examination and examination, except for the coma, the patient's other examination results were all good, and the doctors had no choice but to temporarily stop the "operation" and push the patient out.

When Chen Hangzhi saw the doctor coming out, he quickly stepped forward, "How is it, how is he?"

"The patient's condition is a bit special. We're sorry. We can't find out what's wrong with him. After testing with various instruments, the patient's body is still very healthy. He shouldn't be in a coma, but now the patient is in a coma again... Honestly, we really don't know what's going on."

Chen Hang was taken aback.

Huang Mao was immediately dissatisfied, "What? You have so many people, and you have checked for so long, and now you say you don't know what's going on? If there is nothing wrong with this person, why is he still awake?"

The doctor was very embarrassed and could only explain dryly that human beings are a very miraculous species. So far, many diseases have not been discovered or defined. They have examined the patient's whole body, including the entire brain, but the patient's brain waves are active. It's exactly the value of a normal person, and it may even be higher, so he really doesn't know.

The doctors are also very suspicious of their current level, okay?

They really have never encountered such a thing, but now they really can't give an answer.

Huang Mao was even more dissatisfied, and Chen Hangzhi said directly: "Then transfer to another hospital."

This is not the only hospital here, Chen Hangzhi learned that Xiao Wangjun's health was fine after the examination, he just fell asleep for unknown reasons, but overall there was no major problem, so he already thought of transferring him to another hospital.

Huang Mao nodded next to him, that's right, that's right, since there is nothing wrong with this hospital, then transfer to another hospital.

Chen Hangzhi began to contact the authority of brain department, if this city is not good, then go to other cities, anyway, he wants the best brain doctor.

Since the examination revealed that Xiao Wangjun's physical condition is fine, he can go to other better hospitals.

So, when Xiao Wangjun woke up ten days later, he found himself in... the imperial capital.

This is a single patient, and it is also a suite. When he opened his eyes, Xiao Wangjun found that the bed he was sleeping on was not the single bed in the hospital, but a double bed, which was smaller than a normal double bed, but Two people can sleep, so Chen Hangzhi is sleeping next to him now, and the fundus of the other person's eyes has turned slightly black, which shows that the other person's sleep is not good during this time, otherwise the dark circles under his eyes would not appear up.

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