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With a big yawn, you stretched all of your limbs into opposite directions before curling up into a small ball again.

Soft morning light kissed your (S/C) face and made it feel like the advances of a lover. The thought made you smile in your half awake state of mind.

You turned, one warm stretched out in an attempt to feel for the company that always greeted you every day, sometimes already awake, other times still trapped in a deep slumber.

Not this day, however.

No matter how much you felt through the ditch all your fingers could grasp was soft moss and grass. A blanket woven of linen as well, but nothing that you craved this early in the morning.

Confused, you popped yourself up on your elbows and threw a glance around the small cabin.

"Lord Tyr?", you asked, blinking to chase away the blindness that the sunlight caused to your eyes.

No one answered but the sound of someone working reached your ears. The ashy smell of a fire tickled your nose and somewhere seemed to fry something in a pan.

It smelled of eggs and freshly baked bread.

"You are awake.", Tyr's gentle voice sounded pleased to see you finally up.

Irritated, you frowned.

"How late is it?", you asked and wiped your eyes with the palm of your hand.

You could feel your hair being messy. Somehow your head felt heavier than usual.

"Not late.", Tyr said and fetched a wooden plate to put some bread with cheese, sliced meat and eggs on it. "You should eat. We will venture out today."

Unable to process anything at the moment you simply took the plate that he handed you and started to eat away. It merely needed three bites to burn your tongue.

With a curse on your lips, you flinched and dropped the plate. But before disasters could strike, a hand shot forward and fetched the food that was about to burn your lap.

Instead, the steaming hot eggs and toasted bread burned Tyr.

All of a sudden you were wide awake. Startled, you stared at the god of war, how he held your breakfast while his light skin already started to turn red from the heat.

"Lord Tyr!", you gasped and took the plate from his hands.

With a soft sigh, he rubbed the spot.

"A slight inconvenience.", he said and smiled. "Don't worry about it. I'm not hurt."

"I wasted the food you made for me...", disappointed, you looked at the eggs that were now torn apart, egg yellow running all over the bread and meat, making it soggy. "Forgive me, I wasn't awake."

"No worries. I made enough."

"Have you eaten yet?"

"No. I wanted you to have the first bite."

"That worked out well...", you said bitterly and eyed his hand just to make sure that it was alright.

Tyr had a habit of not wanting to burden people. He was a man who took responsibility for himself and tended not to ask for help. Most likely this burn was nothing to his godly body, it would heal within the day.

But your parents had raised you to look out for others and it made you feel a pinch of guilt to see him hurt because of your carelessness. Even if it meant nothing to him it did a lot to you and your pride as a giant.

"Let me have a look.", softly yet strong enough to make clear that you weren't willing to argue, you grabbed his wrist to pull him close.

"It's simply irritated.", he tried to pull back but you refused.

Tyr was a man of gigantic height, so tall, that he was almost the size of your true giant form. With the new body that you had, mortal and human, you were no match to him.

Despite being the god of war he was calm and patient. But there was always this underlining feeling that if he wanted to, he could absolutely end almost anyone with his bare hands.

With your shell, you were barely big enough to hold onto his worst with both of your hands. You could feel the power in him, what he gave to hold back and be gentle.

It was against his nature not to fight. But he had chosen to. A strange decision, yet very honourable.

With your utmost care, you let your thumb circle over the irritated skin to see if anything was damaged. Luckily though, it was just a simple burn that did not require any healing.

Yet, your heart pulled together at the sight. It wasn't right to do harm to the man who had taken you in and treated you with more respect that you thought the Aesir gods could give.

So instead of wasting more empty words you simply bend down and breathed a kiss to the spot.

At the touch of your warm lips Tyr flinched. It took him by surprise how soft the kiss felt. Strangely enough, it send some sort of an electric feeling through his body.

His lips parted to let out a soft breath. Almost a gasp, restrained yet surprised.

As soon as your lips left his skin he pulled back to rub the spot that was still showing irritation on his skin.

A bit hurt, you frowned. Obviously you hadn't expected him to enjoy it. But it somewhat stung that he felt the need to immediately rub away the touch of your lips.

For a slight second you looked up at him. Golden eyes met your (E/C) gaze.

Silence spread. But it wasn't the uncomfortable kind of silence that came with facing a stranger. It was a calm, familiar silence between two people who felt comfortable with each other but had no idea what needed to be said.

"We should strengthen us with the rest of breakfast and then head out.", Tyr rose from his position on the floor.

He turned away a bit too quickly for your liking. You failed to read his expression.

"Where will we go this time?", you asked and cleared your throat.

"I haven't decided yet. But the temple is in need of a visit."

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