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Wrapped in a comfortable silence you sat on the floor, at the table and had breakfast while Tyr was lost in a book. Every once in a while you threw a glance up from your plate so catch a glimpse of what he was so drawn to.

It always depended on the day wether or not Tyr was talkative. Sometimes the two of you would be caught up in hour long conversations and then wouldn't exchange a single word the next day.

Usually he was busy with studies, taught himself the ways of different cultures and learned languages that you didn't even know existed.

It didn't stop you from being curious though. Both you and Tyr were beings who thirsted for knowledge. Whenever there was something you did not understand or know you wanted to learn from it.

The book was old, so old that the pages were dusty and hard to turn without making them crumble. Despite his large hands that were the size of your entire face, he managed to flip every page without causing damage.

How gentle he was. So caring. Even for something as unimportant as a book.

It had been many moons since he had pulled you from the deadly clutch of Helheim and you still found new things about him to be mesmerised by.

He was like a treasure chest that had no bottom. And whenever you closed the lid because you thought there was nothing more to discover it reopened again to reveal something new.

You tried to encrypt some of the symbols that were written on the open page. But it was more of a picture than a word.

Giants were blessed with all kinds of abilities. Sometimes they dreamed of the future, either for specific people or entire universes. Others had the ability to make paintings come alive. And very lucky ones had more useful gifts like talking to animals and reading any kind of language.

You had not been blessed with such a skill. Instead you remembered, days and nights as if they had been yesterday, no matter how long gone they were.

Anything else about you was but a common thing.

Unless you counted that time that Tyr had found you. After you had recovered he had told you that it was your voice that had led him into your arms. He couldn't describe it properly but said that it was like a thread of gold, attached to an arrow, that had struck his heart.

He had simply followed it back to you.

But what use was a voice like that?

It wouldn't make kingdoms crumble or end the slavery of your people. It was just soothing to listen to.

As Tyr noticed you staring, he tilted the book to let you have a look inside as well. But the expression of pride on his face faded as he noticed the grim expression in your eyes.

"What are you frowning about?", he asked, softly yet also so indefinitely curious.

It was almost humouring to see a man, or rather a god, of his size be so gentle despite his physique yet sometimes impatient like a child.

You shook your head and went back to eating. However it had been enough days with him for you to know that he wouldn't let it go unless you gave him something that could have been equally satisfying.

His golden eyes wandered over your head that hung low, trying to hide the expression from him. Strands of your (H/C) hair dangled in front of your eyes.

You could hear your own breathing, how unsatisfied it was, annoyed, frustrated. All the bad things that nobody wanted to be. Or at least no one wanted to admit.

You kept on poking around in your food. The plate started to look like a battlefield. If you wouldn't have sat on the floor your foot would have twitched restlessly.

All of a sudden his hand reached out grab a strand of hair that dangled right in front of your vision and pushed it back. As he did so, something jiggled as if metal hit against metal.

Like little bells.

Confused, you looked up at him. At the movement something jiggled again. You tilted your head. The weight shifted and made it feel like something tugged at your hair.

At the sight of the confusion written all over your face he smiled.

"I wanted to return the favour.", Tyr stroked over the braided beard that reached all the way down to his chest. "I quite like it. Perhaps you would enjoy it as well."

Even more confused you got up to walk over to a mirror that hung on the wall, just above a bowl of water to wash up every morning.

Struck by surprise your eyebrows rose. Your entire head was decorated with small beads, the very same that you used on Tyr's hair. Short braids hung from the sides of your head and some kept the messy hair together in the back.

It was an awful hairdresser job with all kinds of pulled strands and messy ends. But it made you smile half-heartedly.

"When did you..?", you turned to look at him.

He was already wrapped up in his book again but shrugged, a smirk on his lips.

"You have a deep slumber.", Tyr said. "Unless nightmares keep you awake."

A snort escaped you.

"I always thought of you as a fair man, lord Tyr. But the more time we spent it shows just how cruel you can be."

With a hum he nodded.

"A god of war isn't known for mercy, is he?"

You eyed him. His calm demeanour made you feel just as easy, not stressed. Just as he kept himself.

"What about you?", it suddenly slipped off your tongue.

The question seemed to surprise him. His eyes froze on the page. His head tilted slightly to the side but he stopped himself from looking at you.

It felt like he tried to avoid your gaze.

"Some things you know about me. Others you don't.", he closed the book to rise from the ground. "Tales and praises don't always go with the truth. But that is a lesson for another time. We should get going. Or we might bump into unwanted meetings."

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