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There was this feeling that covered your skin. Almost like it was on fire. Yet again, it did not just burn. It was more like the bites of thousands of beetles, they small little feet that walked all over your limbs and stung like a bee.

It was a constant kind of pain, every changing and such a source of misery. You would have dared to say that it was even worse than the feeling that the torn human skin had caused.

"Wake...", a dark voice pierced your ears.

It felt like even the smallest of sounds would be able to tear a hole into your head and make your nostrils bleed.

Your tongue peaked out to run along your lips. Cracked and dried out. Just like sandpaper.

Your eyes flustered open a crack. A ray of bright light cut through the dark. Tears started to fill the corners.

A small sound of discomfort and irritation slipped off your tongue, heavy and lazy.

"Giant.", a hand grabbed you by the shoulder.

It wasn't rough but enough to make you scream. Once more reality seemed to catch up with you. Odin truly had cursed your existence to be in eternal pain.

How cruel was a man able to be?

Immediately, the hand retreated. But a shadow fell over you instead.

"How are you feeling?", the low voice asked.

Disoriented, you blinked a few times, managed to open your eyes wide enough to make out shapes and light instead of just darkness.

The sound of something sizzling scratched over your face. Out of reflex your hand wanted to move up to feel what it was. But you were stopped by another.

"Don't.", the voice of Thor said in a calming manner. "You were struck. It will fade but only over time."

You frowned, confused.

"Struck by what..?", your tongue was almost too heavy to speak.

"Lightning.", the voice of Sif sounded as exhausted as you felt.

A deep sigh rolled off her lips, swollen from all the screaming and begging. Yet there was this look of happiness on her face, this gleam of pride in her eyes.

She held a small bundle, barely big enough to fit into her arms. Thor would have been able to hold that little thing with one single hand.

"She's beautiful.", the god of thunder said as he looked over his shoulder to gift his wife the most loving of gazes.

"A... a girl...", you remember with narrowed eyes and managed to sit up.

The electricity that had struck you ran through your veins and made every single cell rage against you. It felt like your on body wanted to betray you in all the worst ways possible and you weren't able to do anything against it.

"I thank you for your help.", the goddess of harvest lowered her arms so that you were able to see the result of your hard work.

A little girl snuggled up against her mother. Her hair was as red as the one of her father, but a single strand of blond in the front gave away who her mother was. She still had her eyes closed but the way she moved made clear that she was to become a goddess of strength.

A soft sound made her chest rise and fall.

The sight made the pain that burned on your skin fade for a brief moment.

Your eyes wandered down to Sif's stomach. It was covered in blood, sticky and messy. The sheets needed to be thrown out, there was no way that they could ever be restored to their old cleanness.

But her stomach was sewn shut. Proper work, even, with stitches that were almost impossible to tell apart from her pale skin tone.

"I've never known just how educated the giants are.", Thor said as he kneeled besides his wife to breathe a kiss to her forehead and then to his daughter. "You shall be rewarded greatly."

Exhaustion crept up into your brain. Tired, you smiled and lowered your head. You had to let out a deep breath before another word could be formed by your tongue.

"All I wish is for you to let me go.", you sighed, knowing very well that you wouldn't be able to walk two miles with those trembling legs of yours.

You were covered in blood, some of it your own, and some the blood of a mother who now held her child in her arms.

The goddess of harvest was alive. And so was that child of hers. Most educated people would only have been able to save one of them. Perhaps this just had been luck, but you believed that for this achievement alone you deserved a bit more.

Suddenly, a thought crossed your mind.

"I have two requests, if I may.", you managed to raise your head high enough to have a look at the girl once more. "Tyr has a name for her. Be kind enough and call her Thrúd. It will bless her with a sharp mind."

A low sound got stuck in Thor's throat. Displeasure lit up in those stormy eyes of his.

But Sif did not hesitate.

"So shall it be. Thrúd.", she kissed the top of her daughters head. "And your second request?"

"Let me go... I am begging you, on my hands and knees, at my lowest as you can see. Please let me go..."

A breath escaped her. She looked so soft, so loving. Just how a mother was supposed to be.

"You are a giant.", she said.

Your heart shattered.

"A war I cannot win.", you admitted.

"The Allfather must look for you already."

"I know...", desperation echoed in your words.

"Go.", Thor said all of a sudden.

Struck by surprise, you looked at him, eyes wide open.

Your lips moved to ask for the why but he just closed his eyes and shook his head.

"I have decided. You earned mercy.", he did a gesture. "Leave. But I won't turn my back on the Allfather a second time."

With those words he turned to his new family.

Without any command, your legs rose from the ground. You couldn't remember just how fast you had made it out the door, through the long corridor and past the great hall, empty and deserted, with no one to see you.

Further and further your legs carried you, did not stop until you reached a door that led outside.

Cold wind stroked your cheeks.

Magic filled your veins.

And with a whimper you fell into the damp grass.

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