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With your eyes closed you hummed a small song to yourself while the cool water embraced your body. It felt like the purest or crystals pearled off your (S/C) chest, down your shoulders and over your back.

The soft touch almost resembled the gentle kisses that Tyr had covered you with the night before. The memories made your cheeks burn.

A smile snuck onto your lips.

Around your legs swam small fish. Sometimes they bumped into you, made it feel like some sticky, slimy plant tried to get a hold of you.

"Hm?", with your eyebrows drawn together you took a deep breath and dunked your head under water.

Startled by the sudden appearance of your disfigured face, the fish jumped into hiding. Chuckling into your chest, you reached out to grab a few small rocks.

The fish protested that their homes were vandalised. Some even tried to follow your fingers that held onto the peddles tight.

As you broke through the surface with your head again you couldn't help but look around in hopes to catch a glimpse of someone you really wanted to show your small huntings to.

All of a sudden a shadow crossed the corner of your eyes. Startled, you flinched, twirled around and raised your hand in a threatening manner.

Your heart beat all the way up to your throat.

"Did I scare you?", Tyr's soft voice immediately made you grow goosebumps.

With his eyes lowered he sat at the edge of the pond, legs crossed, while he leaned against the trunk of a tree. He looked like he enjoyed this moment just as much as you.

"How did you find me?", you asked with a smile and pulled yourself to the edge of the pond to let your arms rest in the grass.

His golden eyes wandered over you for a moment, from your wet hair, darker than usual, down the curve of your neck and over your shoulders that already showed a few signs of the sun that shone on them.

Then he closed his eyes, let his head fall back and took a deep breath. It made his chest rise to such a size that it seemed to be about to pop.

"I had a feeling you would want to wash up...", he stumbled over his own words. "After last night."

Your cheeks started to burn. For a second you failed to withstand the weight of his eyes on you, so you tilted your head to not look too flustered.

It made him chuckle. The sound was so enchanting that your eyes immediately returned to him.

Your eyes locked. The smile on his bearded face only grew while you felt like you were about to melt into the water.

It was a calm moment that the two of you shared, flustered by each others interest, yet also filled with pride about the connection that had been agreed upon last night.

"Aren't you going to join me?", you finally asked after a moment of staring.

Slightly surprised, his eyebrows rose, only for him to pretend he did not hear right the next second. Hesitation appeared in his eyes, but only for a moment.

A little smug, he leaned forward into your direction, just close enough to let his breath gently caress your cheeks as he exhaled deeply with a chuckle.

"I would take away quite some space.", he threw a glance at the pond, that clearly wasn't large but without a doubt big enough to fit the two of you without a problem. "We would have to stick together... Get close."

It did not take long for you to catch onto the hint.

With a smile, you played shy, turned away from the edge and swam further out into the middle to look at him from afar. As you stopped, your feet touching the ground, you did a fake yawn and stretched your arms all the way above your head.

His gaze lingered on you, watched as small beads of water ran down your body, over your (S/C) shoulders and over your collarbones to merge with the pond again.

He visibly swallowed.

"I would make all the space in the world for you.", you said in a sweet voice and turned so that he could have a dull view of your exposed back. "Anywhere... if you're willing to invest the time."

He understood that reference and had to lower his head to hide a chuckle between the strands of his brown hair.

"I assume the curse of the Allfather did not help with the... adjustment.", he grabbed the hem of his shirt and pulled it over his head.

A strong chest was revealed, covered in brown hair that curled at the tips. His stomach was lean, not too muscular, but with visible abs.

You had missed that sight in your first night together since he had primarily wanted to make sure that you were the one to enjoy yourself. But in that moment it did not cause you arousal.

Instead, it made you wish to pull him into a hug and snuggle your cheek against it.

His pants dropped and soon after the remaining rest of his garments and accessories, including his leather belt and cotton underwear.

"I enjoyed yesterday.", you swam closer again as he dipped his legs into the fresh water.

A hum made his throat vibrate.

"Well I'm glad.", Tyr slipped into the water and immediately pulled you close. "I would... enjoy it on a regular basis. If that is what you agree upon."

He was of normal size in this situation, since he kept himself on his knees. That did not change that fact that he had quite prominent shoulders, so broad, that your hands looked like the ones of a child as they lay on them for support.

You could feel his warmth pressing into your skin. It earned a trembling breath from your lips.

"Tyr.", you wrapped your arms around him, your face buried in the crook of his neck. "I..."

"Do not feel pressured to say anything, (Y/N).", his hand lay on your back in the most loving manner. "We haven't made it out of this spiral yet. But know that my feelings for you cannot be questioned. Not even by myself."

Weight fell off your shoulders.

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