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The sun was already higher up in the sky when Tyr awoke with a yawn on his lips and a hint of sleep in his eyes. He stretched while the noise of his awaken filled the idyllic softness of nature.

But as he rolled to the side he noticed that something was missing. He rolled over again, but once more his hands failed to feel the softness of a smaller body. His nose couldn't sense the sweetness of your scent.

"Helchild?", he asked into the silence, still sleepy but with one eye open.

No one was with him.

A chilly breeze chased across the destroyed street that was still covered in puddles and mud. The sound of moving water soothed his brain back into tiredness.

With a sigh, Tyr let himself fall onto his back. He expected to see you somewhere up in the roof beams. He knew that you sometimes had those moments when the ground did not feel safe so you slept in higher places.

But once more his desire to meet your (E/C) gaze was left disappointed.

Confused, Tyr blinked a few times to chase away the remaining tiredness and popped himself up on his elbows to look around.

"(Y/N)..?", he asked.

You did not answer. The wind did instead, grabbed his clothes and hair and shook it relentlessly. It felt like a harsh touch, something he wasn't used to since you always met him with the utmost care.

He wanted to feel loved this morning. Just like he always did when he woke up next to you.

He wanted to feel your small hands roam over his chest, wanted to feel how soft they were despite all the hard work that you put in every day.

He longed for the warmth that seeped into his body when your chest pressed against his back at night.

And he desired to feel this lust, not of ill or perverted nature, but the one that came when someone one loved was close. His body wished to be close to you for satisfaction.

As soon as this thought crossed his mind his tongue licked over his lips. It was strange, but his mind hoped to find some of the remaining taste of that kiss that the two of you had shared.

His desires were left unsatisfied.

"(Y/N).", Tyr called out for you once more, louder this time, more dedicated to find you.

And once more the only thing that answered him was the wind, the rustling of the leaves.

Now he could not help but feel worry grow in his chest. With a sigh, Tyr rose to his feet and set foot outside the shelter.

It was cold, or at least colder than the day before. The wind seemed to rage and the sky was grey.

Somehow it felt like a bad omen to him.

Jötunheim was one of the brighter realms, with less storms and more warmth. It wasn't typical that it seemed gloomy.

Or felt like it.

In search for that spark that made his heart Huen whenever his eyes lay upon you, Tyr set foot into the muddy road.

It felt cold, the dirty water collected to his feet and made him want to clean himself in a river immediately. But there was something more urgent.

He wanted to find you.

"(Y/N)!", he called out.

Birds rose from the branches of wet trees as his mighty voice made them shiver.

He followed them with his eyes for a moment. Something was off, he thought. Those birds were of strange nature. Then, all of a sudden, it hit him.


A wave of panic made his skin crawl. Something tied his throat.

But why?

Why did he feel this way?

He had spent eons to train his nerves, to be a man of calm, a rock in the eye of the storm. Even in the face of war he had never felt this frightened.

So why did his heart suddenly beat so fast at the sight of simple birds?

No, those weren't just birds. They were ravens, spies of the Allfather dressed in the gowns of grief.

Forcing his mind to calm itself, Tyr tore his eyes away from the trees and walked down the road. He had noticed footprints, smaller than his and not as deep imprinted into the ground.

He knew your way of walking, not as soft as his but by no means less careful. While his steps were born from caution on a battlefield yours were like a dance across a wide meadow.

He knew the way you walked. And he now knew where you had went.

Relief spread in his chest. But it was undeniable that there was this uncomfortable feeling of being uneasy left behind.

"(Y/N).", Tyr called up the mountain as he made his way to the top. "My Helchild, where are you?"

The wind settled. Instead of a harsh storm it now felt like a soft breeze that stroked his cheeks. The loose strands of his long brown hair danced with it.

Yet his arms grew goosebumps all over.

"My Helchild.", Tyr couldn't deny the fact that his voice started to grow restless, perhaps even a bit frightened. "Are you hiding from me? Do you wish some time alone?"

He stopped at the top of the mountain. The cliff opened up right before his eyes. It was a nice view, calm and almost picturesque.

However, something seemed to be missing. There was this strange void.

The long strands of grass danced with the breeze. It was gentle to feel their touch below his feet. At another time he would have taken a moment to enjoy it.

With hope on his face he let his eyes wander along the edge of the cliff and across the wide meadow.

But despite everything, he couldn't find what his heart desired. His mind did not get the satisfaction of reassurance.

"(Y/N)...", with his eyebrows drawn together he took a step forward and immediately stopped.

Something was under his foot.

A scroll, opened. It was the scroll that he had told you to take from the study of the Allfather. And something was marked in it.

"God of... knowledge...", he read as he picked it off the ground. "Egypt. Wet. Mou..."

The last words was cut off, halfway translated but you had visibly struggled with it.

"Mountain?", he asked himself and looked up.

And there it was. The mountain from which a waterfall jumped.

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