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With horror in his stormy eyes, Thor watched from the head of the bed as your magic started to form long lines of golden light.

Like serpents in a tree, they twisted and turned, just enough to make them seem alive with their own kind of intelligence, yet not disobedient to your orders.

Sif trembled all over, not able to grasp a clear thought. Sweat covered her forehead while she clung to the hand of her husband for comfort.

You wouldn't get her consent to cut her flesh open to save that child of hers. She wasn't able to. Yet, you could see it in her eyes.

She wanted this child. No matter the cost.

Once more your eyes wandered to Thor.

How grim he was even though there was a possibility that he'll get to meet his child soon. He struggled with this decision, hesitated even.

There was fear in him. It was as clear as dawn.

But his right mind also knew that there wasn't another option. At least not a better one.

A low sound made his tattooed chest vibrate as he squeezed his eyes shut, busy with his own kind of pain, and nodded.

"Very well...", you breathed to yourself and whispered another spell that was supposed to put the goddess of harvest at ease. "I will cut now. You might feel discomfort."

Her teeth appeared as she bit her lip to suffocate a scream. Tears made her eyes burn red.

How could a child cause their own mother such a kind of pain?

Had your mother suffered just the same way when she had given birth to you?

Your attention returned to the swollen stomach of Sif. It appeared to be bloated, under pressure. Something raged below the surface.

Every now and then the imprint of a foot appeared on the stretched skin, almost like somebody who tried to kick underneath a blanket.

The magical strands were about to pierce the flesh as, suddenly, a small row of lightning chased across the surface. All the hairs on the goddesses body stood up straight.

Your hands started to tremble.

What child was able to summon such magic without even being born?

Taken by surprise, you flinched, trying to avoid being struck by a lightning and shielded your face with one hand. As you did so, your own magic faltered and began to fall apart.

You knew that your body wouldn't be able to form this kind of spell for a second time. It demanded loads of strength and even more concentration and you were about to run out of both.

It was either now or never.

You sucked in a sharp breath.

The tension was so present in the room that it would have been possible to cut it with a knife.

"Do something!", Thor yelled with his teeth bared as another lightning chased across the stretched surface of Sif's stomach.

Your eyes narrowed, blinded but the sizzling electricity.

"This is your heritage.", you replied and tried to regain focus to keep your magic from trembling. "That is your blood in this child."

"It doesn't matter who's at fault!", the goddess of harvest cried out while her face was covered with tears. "Cut it out! Save my child!"

A scream of agony escaped her mouth as she tore it open to gasp for air. It wasn't possible to breathe away the pain so you did not give advise and let her compensate however she wished.

The sounds that escaped her lips clearly put her husband in great distress. Caring, he let her dig her nails into his hand until they drew blood. He listened to her cries and wiped away the tears that made strands of her hair stick to her sweaty forehead.

It was his duty to keep her mind sane in that moment. Yours was it to make her body comfortable again.

For the breath of a second, you closed your eyes and inhaled so deep that your chest started to inflate and made it seem like you were about to crush your lungs with your own flesh.

The magic inside your veins seemed to hold its breath. It felt like it was thickening, melted into your blood and become one with you as a being.

As you let out that breath you had been holding, the threads stood up like dogs that listened to the command of their master.

"Breathe in.", you said to the goddess of harvest to calm her.

Swallowing hard, Sif squeezed her eyes shut and took a shuddering breath. But she did not release it.

Your eyes jumped to her. You needed to time the first stitch with the exact moment that she breathed out.

"Let go.", you told her in a soft voice. "It's fine."

She hesitated. But ultimately she had to let go of that used air that burned her lungs.

In that brief second, barely enough to gasp a thought, your fingers twitched and ordered the magic to get to work.

Quick, almost so quick that even you missed it, the first thread pierced her flesh. She flinched briefly, but was taken to other thoughts by another wave of pain that her child made her go through.

She screamed, teeth clenched.

Another thread of gold pierced her and soon after a third. Now she seemed to be so ignorant to the feeling that you dared to let all of the others follow.

Carefully, you put your hands on her body as flesh and muscles pulled apart in a clean cut manner as if the sharpest of blades had just touched her swollen stomach.

Warm liquid ran down your arms as you bend over the wound and caught a glimpse of a womb filled with water. Small lightnings danced through it.

It almost made you think Sif was about to give birth to a thunderstorm.

But only the breath of a second later, a small hand pressed against the stretched layer. It was so soft and delicate that it seemed impossible to cause such harm.

Your threats of magic kept her body open as you reached out with trembling hands. Another golden line moved over your shoulder to cut the last remaining barricade.

The water was uncomfortably warm as it poured over your hands and washed the blood away that stuck to your (S/C) skin.

Sif screamed in agony.

Thor held his wife tight.

You reached into the, now empty, womb and grabbed the small body.

"It's a girl.", you breathed, only to be struck by a wave of electricity the next second.

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