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Wrapped in silence, you lay in front of the door while the rain kept pouring from the sky with no end in sight.

Tyr kept you embraced tightly. His pale skin against your (S/C) skin felt like it was about to melt and create something entirely new, almost like the wax of two candles, so much the same yet so completely different.

His breath echoed inside your ears while his chest pressed into your back whenever he filled his lungs with air. It was such a familiar feeling with so much comfort in it.

It was good to know that he was alive. With you.

"I haven't seen it rain like this in Asgard, ever.", you whispered, suddenly feeling the urge to hear his voice.

A hum made his chest tremble. The vibration seeped into your back, pierced your spine and made it wander all the way down into your legs to make your entire body tingle.

"The Allfather disapproves of rain.", Tyr explained and breathed a kiss to the top of your head, his eyes closed. "Nothing grows in Asgard. Nothing of importance. No crops to feed people. Therefore he does not feel the need for rain."

"How sad... Not even the rain is allowed to be itself in the presence of Odin."

His lips formed a smile. You could feel how it pressed against the back of your head.

"Is that a reference?", he asked and let his fingers gently play with the bandage on your arm. "Are you feeling like the rain?"

Amused, you smiled halfheartedly, grabbed his fingers and guided them away.

But he decided otherwise.

For the first time since you've known him, Tyr reached down to the bandage once more and removed it without permission.

Blue giant skin appeared. Texture came to light as the golden shimmer of the campfire captured it in the right ankle.

A wave of embarrassment washed over you. It was almost as if you had stripped off your clothes once more.

But this was different. It wasn't your body that you allowed him to see in its natural form. This was your soul.

Out of shame, you wanted to cover it with your other hand.

Tyr was faster. Not only did he reach out to grab the hand that wanted to cover up the skin, but he also gently wrapped his fingers around your first to force you to raise your arm.

With the utmost softness he breathed a kiss onto the blue. It almost felt like a vow to your beauty, how he fell for your sheer existence.

No, you quickly pulled back and shook the thoughts off. This wasn't about love. He was merely polite. You didn't want to make a fool of yourself and assume that there was more than just trust.

"Did I make you uncomfortable?", Tyr asked as you returned to your laying position, his wrist held tightly in yours.

Surely he would have been able to break free with ease. Yet again, he would never have dared to harm you. So he just lay there, patient, and allowed you to take your time.

"No.", you finally said. "Just hopeful."

A breath escaped him. The warmth tickled the back of your ear.

"This is your realm. The Allfather cannot come here, I made sure of it.", suddenly he raised his hand once more and pulled yours with him to guide it to his mouth. "Do not be afraid to show yourself. For I very much love it."

Now he placed a kiss to the back of your hand. It wasn't even a quick gesture, gone in the breath of a second, but one that lasted so long that so long that you could feel his warmth seep into your body.

Your eyes lowered to wander along the many tattoos that decorated his skin. There were many things that you found appealing about him, the way his height reminded you of your people, the softness of his beard or the messy state that his hair always was in. The way how his entire body was covered with scars, cuts and birth marks.

But if you needed to pick one thing that you wanted to remember about him till all eternity it would have been the ink on his skin.

Instead of his relatives', his tattoos were of softer origin, more artsy with not so harsh edges or broad images. Some of the symbols were so delicate that they almost faded into the colour of his skin while others made you wonder what they were supposed to resemble.

Some you managed to recognise as animals, strangely portrayed birds and black cats that sat as if they were rulers of entire realms themselves.

But most of the triangular shapes did not make any sense to you other than that they appealed to your eye.

Even though it wasn't the same as the visible patch of skin of your true form it gave you a sense of comfort that he had something on his arm that also didn't quite fit into the world he had been born into.

"Your tattoos make me wonder.", he allowed you to turn his arm in an innocent way, like a child would examine its first toy. "They are just as foreign as I am to Odin's palace. Tell me, Tyr, is there more to see?"

He let out a deep breath and wrapped his fingers around both of your hands so that he could keep you from touching him for a moment.

"If I tell you, will you promise me that what I have planned for us will not be in vain?", he asked.

His grip on your hands tightened. It wasn't painful but enough to underline just how serious this matter was to him.

"I promise that I will not waste your efforts.", you said and turned to face him.

Your eyes met. Shimmering gold collided with deep (E/C), both so hopeful yet afraid of the unknown.

"There are so many more worlds than just the nine realms.", he finally whispered as he leaned towards you, the tip of his nose brushing yours. "Universes with other gods. I have never resisted fate. But this time I want to try. Say, (Y/N), will you travel with me to a world of sand? Where they worship cats and falcons? Far away from the madness of the All-Father?"

Your breath hitched.

"Away?", you asked, your eyes trembling.

"As far as you want to.", Tyr breathed a kiss to your lips.

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