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With the scroll held in his clutches, Tyr made his way up to the mountain and stopped right in front of the waterfall.

The gushing sound of water made his ears go deaf to anything else. It almost seemed as if it wanted to be the center of attention so that nothing else would be discovered.

The masses of water were like a heavy curtain. It wanted to keep away certain eyes. Especially the curious ones.

And Tyr was curious. After all he was also a god who desired knowledge.

To get closer to the edge of the waterfall he needed to pull in his head to not hit it on one of the low-hanging stones. It was slippery everywhere, almost as if nature itself wanted to keep people away.

When he made it past the threatening edge, Tyr found himself in a wide area made of stone and water. It could have been mistaken for a small cave if only there wouldn't have been these small symbols that could be found on many of the smaller stones.

They were hidden, not to be found too quick, but also not hidden enough to be left unseen.

As he took a closer look, he recognised a few of them. They were the same symbols that were immortalised on his skin.

"How could this be..?", he asked himself with his eyebrows drawn together.

Quickly, he raised the scroll and pulled it open. There they were, almost the same symbols. And even the ones that did not match at least looked like they belonged to the same kind.

He recognised them. They originated from a place that had given him the ink on his left arm. At the memory, his hand lowered to run along the lines of black.

"A world of sand.", he muttered to himself and approached a place where all of the symbols seemed to gather. "A door... So the giants knew?"

His eyes returned to the scroll. If only he would have been blessed with your genius. It would take him far longer to translate any of the things written. If he'd even be able to translate anything in the first place.

That made him wonder.

Where did you go?

If you had found this place due to the translations, it would have made sense to him to not tell. It also wasn't like you to go without him. He was used to enjoying your trust, the fact that you shared your knowledge with him.

That was what he most cherished about you. This deep connection that allowed him to be part of your most inner circle.

So why had you left without him?

And if so, where had you vanished to?

His golden gaze wandered along the runes. It seemed like there was a door embedded into the cave wall. But it did not allow everyone entrance. There was no handle to pull nor did the stone budge as he gave it a push with his weight.

It seemed highly unlikely to him that you had made it past with cheer physical force. So he figured that it had to be magic.

Perhaps you had triggered it on accident. In that case he didn't even know where to start. There was the possibility that you'd be in this world that was translated as Egypt. Yet again, if it was a portal, it could lead anywhere.

"By the giants...", Tyr closed his eyes with a sigh. "My Helchild... Why did you go without me? I worry where you disappeared to. If only you would have left me a message."

A wave of disappointment washed over him. It felt so cruel to be alone once more, only accompanied by his own thoughts and this nagging voice of guilt in the back of his head.

But as he opened his eyes once more something caught his attention.

There were footprints visible on the stone. Sure, most of the surface was wet but in a few spots the stone was dry enough to leave imprints.

It wasn't an entire footprint but rather toes and the upper half of a foot that made him stop and inspect. The size wasn't all that small, bigger than the feet of a child, but tiny in comparison to his.

Tyr knew these feet just as well as his own. This was a footprint of yours.

But it wasn't that what made his heart race. It was the other footprints that clearly showed on the dry stone. They were large, so large that he could have sworn they came form a giant.

Or at least someone who had giant blood in them. At first he would have guessed those footprints came from Thor. Then he remembered that his brother wore boots.

The second guess could have been Heimdall, but he wasn't as tall nor did he have this big feet.

So that only left himself. However, Tyr knew very well that he had never been to this place. And he also wasn't a sleep walker.

All of a sudden something tugged at the back of his brain.

It was so obvious.

How hasn't he thought of this sooner?

Yes, he had not been here before. But you didn't know that. So, if he happened to tell you to follow him, you would question it.

As if someone had read his mind, the sound of flapping wings suddenly cut through the noise of gushing water. A shadow crossed the corner of his eyes.

A dark expression lay on his face as he turned is head just enough to catch a glimpse of feathers that were as black as sin.

It was a raven that had settled on one of the stones, high up, as if it tried to hide from his gaze.

"What else did I expect?", Tyr asked himself and took a deep breath to gather some magic that ran through his blood. "And once more you are trying to stop me."

The ground below his feet started to tremble. Small stones danced across the cave floor.

Tyr was about to jump through the realms a thought crossed his mind.

From what did his father try to stop him, really?

It couldn't have been the attempt to travel to other worlds since he didn't even know they existed.

So what made Tyr feel so upset?

Was it because he felt robbed of the happiness that he had sought for in the friendship with the giants?

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