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You didn't remember how long you lay there, your burning face pressed into the damp grass while a soft wind caressed your hair.

Everything felt heavy yet so light. Your entire body was out of balance, unable to process the commands that your mind wanted to give.

Minutes passed, perhaps only seconds.

Or hours?

You did not know. It was impossible to know.

All you wished for was an end. Either an end of the suffering or an end to your life. It didn't matter anymore. Never before had you felt this kind of exhaustion.

All of a sudden a sound reached your ears. It was but so small that it also could have been a product of your imagination.

The ground seemed to tremble.

Something lay over you, at least it felt like it. Like a shadow or the presence of a person.

Perhaps this would have been a good moment to flee. But you failed once more to make your body obey.

Your eyes managed to open a crack wide, blurry green mingled with dirty grey, a sky full of clouds that were about to chase rain upon the world.

A few drops already made their way down. As they touched your torn skin it felt like spikes of ice prices it. You flinched, but were unable to move away from the threat.

Someone stopped next to you. A foot appeared in your field of vision. There was no shoe to it, just a few strands of fabric to keep away the cold.

Your cracked lips moved, a slim smile appeared on your tired face. Even though your heart desired nothing more but to call out for that one person, your tongue refused.

Again, a few drops fell onto your face. But this time it did not burn like rain. No, it was more of a sting that salt caused in an open wound.

Confused, you frowned, forced your head to turn to the side and threw a glance up.

Tyr appeared, towering over you. He was blurry, you barely managed to tell that it was truly him. Yet you were able to see the tears that rolled down his face.

"Why... are- are you... crying... Tyr..?", you managed to get out as a wave of exhaustion washed over you.

He bared his teeth, so frustrated yet so full of anger.

"I failed you, my Helchild.", his voice trembled as he kneeled down to wrap his arms around you in the most gentle manner a man was able to. "I failed you, my (Y/N). Forgive me. It will never happen again."

Carefully, out of fear that you could shatter under his strength, Tyr pulled you up in his arms. Your feet lifted off the ground, a gentle wind stroked your toes that were numb.

"Tyr...", you whispered into the softness of his long, brown hair. "The Allfather..."

"I know, my sweet Helchild. But do not worry. We will be far, far away before he comes to his senses again."

The smell of something raw and irony stuck to him. From the corner of your eyes you managed to see a stain of blood on his shirt.

"Are you..?"

"Do not worry about me.", his voice was so soft, so comforting as he let magic run through his veins to open a gap between the world.

The familiar scent of Jötunheim reached your nose. It mingled with the fresh air and flowers that were in full bloom already.

Immediately, your mind was put at ease. It felt like a soft blanket was put over your shoulders. You wanted to sleep for however long was possible.

"I will watch out for you.", the god of war whispered into your ear as your eyelids fell shut and a gentle breath escaped your lips. "That is my undying promise to you."

"Tyr...", your hands wrapped around his neck, fingers entangled with his braided strands to make the beads in his hair tingle softly. "I love... you... Please... never leave me..."

"Not ever again.", he breathed a kiss to your cheek as he stepped through the gap between the realms. "And if it needs a million realms between us and the Allfather, I will cross them all."

A satisfied smile was on your face as you gently drifted into the world of dreams. Your mind relaxed and for a brief moment it felt like Tyr's presence broke the curse of Odin.

Your body did not ache no more as he carried you back to the ruins of the house and lay you down in a bed of pillows and blankets that he had gathered. Soft silk wrapped around your body to provide warmth.

He was about to pull away, but your fingers refused to let go of his hand.

A breath escaped him, heavy, yet so relieved. He wasn't able to rest yet. Not now. Not after what he had put at risk.

"Soon.", he raised your hand to his lips and pressed a kiss onto the back. "I will be with you, I promise. I shall warm you. But for a moment longer I need to see if it is true."

And with those words he rose from the ground, his own hand only slowly willing to let go of yours and walked out into the starry night.

The tips of fingers rubbed against each other, in between them a single piece of your giant skin, the very skin that you had been born with.

Small drops of blood fell from it and mixed with the earth that once had been home to your people. Now you were once more united with the blood of your ancestors.

But you would live on. That was what he desired at the very most.

The god of war could not have cared less if you desired him the way he desired you. It wasn't for him to force himself upon someone, neither with his mind nor his body. He would accept whatever decision you would make for yourself.

As long as he knew you were alive it would be enough for his heart to keep on beating.

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