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Dazzled, Tyr lay in the grass, face down, while something rained down on him. It could have been rain or some form of weather that was typical for the realm of the giants.

If only it wouldn't have felt so... strangely harsh. It was heavier than water, too light for hail.

He could taste iron as a few drops fell onto his face and made their way down to his lips. If he wouldn't have known better he could have sworn that this was the taste of blood.

Perhaps it was his own. He seemed to bleed all over and he hadn't even noticed.

But maybe it was just one of Odin's many tricks.

All these wounds did not burn nor hurt. Yet again he could feel the fire rage all over his body.

It was such a strangely twisted state of mind he was trapped in.

His eyes moved across the dark brim that was the meadow that his face was pressed into. If he would have fallen a bit more to the side he would have suffocated, face down.

It would have been a slow death, cruel and oh so meaningless.

The Allfather could have been amused by this as much as a man was able to. Cruel to think that he was able to be happy about his own sons death.

A thin twitch chased through Tyr's fingers, stiff, so rusty that they could have snapped at the joints any minutes. His entire body did not feel like it was his own. More like a shell he was trappend in.

A prion of flesh and bones.

His eyes were still able to move. It felt like they were about to pop out as he turned them as high as he was able to and caught a glimpse of the sky.

It was dark. But not in a natural kind of way, with clouds and trees that blocked out the sun.

No, the sky was dark with red. The sky bled.

Like one single body of flesh.

"What a strange thing you show me...", Tyr whispered with a crooked smile on his bearded face. "Is that what you are able to create with your mind..?"

The sound of your voice pains me, my son.", Odin said as he approached from the strange dark shadows that seemed so unreal and fake, like blankets of black fabric that hung from height that no one had ever seen before.

"I am... mocking you.", Tyr's hand moved slightly, just enough to make sure that his body was still able to be commanded without causing any suspicion. "Ha! Indeed... mockery is what I have left for you..."

Odin's foot stopped in front of Tyr's face, just about the same height as his nose. The god of war expected to be greeted by the sole.

But to his surprise the Allfather kneeled down next to him instead.

His face was covered in blood while just one single eye met Tyr's gaze. So it had not been a trickery. He had truly taken his fathers ability to sacrifice something for a greater cause.

But where did it go if he hadn't carried it with him?

And how did he fall for this trick?

"An eye for an eye, my son.", Odin said as he tapped his cheek that was smothered in red. "I will take back what you stole me."

The god of war frowned.

"Will you return all these lives then? All the ones you took from me?", another smirk of mockery appeared on his face. "Or does this... only work in your favour..? Allfather... all... but you..."

He could feel how the tips of his fathers fingers roamed his face. The eyes of the god of war once had been a present from the giant people.

He had give his own eyes to proof his loyalty to their friendship. And in return the giants had given him everything.

A new pair of eyes, golden and royal just like him. The ability to pass the realms without a gate. Knowledge that exceeded his wildest dreams and a kind of wealth that gold wasn't able to compete against.

And a mate to be bound to for the rest of eternity.

All this and so much more they had given him. And now he was about to loose it all.

By the hands of his own father.

"Fate is a slippery little thing.", Odin said in a calm, almost lazy voice as the tips of his fingers pressed down on the brim of the left eye to make it stand out of the socket in a swollen manner. "But I will catch it some day. And then, my boy, you will thank me. No one will have to die."

Tyr's breath hitched as pressure pushed into his skull. He could feel dry air caress his eyeball.

Blood rushed through his ears and made him hear his own heartbeat.

"Will you... spare me?", he asked and tried to squint his eyes to avoid what was about to happen.

A shadow crossed his fathers face.

"I wish I could.", he said and pushed down some more.

Blood gushed out of the side of Tyr's eye. In a thin red strand it ran down his nose, soaked into his beard and wetted his lips that were wide open with surprise.

"Are you... even able to show... compassion?", his son asked.

His vision was flooded with red.


"Then allow me... spare (Y/N). I beg of you."

The Allfather faltered. His grip slipped and for a moment he even seemed to consider pulling back. There was so much surprise on his face.

How puzzled he was that Tyr chose to beg for your life instead of his own. Surely, Odin had never done such a thing before. And he probably never would.

"No.", the Allfather finally said as his eyes fell dark once more. "Not for a giant."

Tyr frowned, both irritated by the pain that stabbed his eye and the obvious answer.

"What a shame...", he gasped and gathered his last bit of strength in his hand. "Perhaps I had too much faith in you after all."

All of a sudden the god of war clenched his hands into fists and swung at the old god.

Startled, Odin backed away only to be caught by the throat.

Tyr had managed to shake off the majority of the spells influence and got to his feet. With full force he threw himself at his father.

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