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Struck by surprise, you flinched at the sight of the boy that was about to jump you. Your legs jumped back a step, stumbled.

The heavy weight that was on your shoulders pulled you down to the ground. Metal and glass clinked.

Your hands rose to shield your face from the danger that was about to strike you down.

"Rawww!", the boy growled.

He had a wooden sword in his hand. It wasn't a dangerous weapon but enough to make your head pulsate with pain as he hit you with full force.

Struck by the unpleasant feeling, you squeezed your eyes shut and pulled your head in to protect it under your arms. As you did so, the boy hit you again, just hard enough to make you're skin scrawl.

In that split second you didn't even realise that your body actually crumbled. A slight curve appeared in the spot where the wooden sword had hit you. The human surface faded like washed out paint and a slight hint of blue peaked through.

"Magni!", Tyr grabbed the boy by the collar to pull him off you.

The boy let out a yelp. His feet struggled in the air while his brother kept his arms tightly locked around their uncles leg.

"Don't touch my son!", all of a sudden Thor had his hand wrapped around his brothers wrist, staring him down.

Tyr handed him the boy without complain.

"This is unnecessary aggression.", he said, his eyebrows drawn together, and peeled the other child off his leg like a cat from a tree. "And you, little Modi, need to learn what personal boundaries are."

He handed the child over to Sif who gladly took her stepson into her arms as if he were her own child by blood.

"My excuses.", she bowed her head. "The boys are still learning."

"They are boys.", Thor replied in a sourly manner. "They play. Rough."

"They hurt.", Tyr answered and offered you a hand to get back on your feet.

As you reached out you realised the spot on your lower arm, blue and yet so much like skin that obviously wasn't human.

Immediately, you slapped your other hand onto it to hide the dead giveaway.

Tyr noticed too. He grabbed you by your waist instead to pull you up.

You slid back behind him, a grim look on your face. The beating of your heart was all the way up in your throat. If anybody would find out, especially the god of thunder, you'd be dead.

Cold sweat crawled down your spine. If it weren't for Tyr you would have started to shiver all over as if the cold of Helheim had returned to haunt you.

"My, are you hurt?", Sif asked as she noticed you holding your arm. "I'm sure Magni didn't mean it. Say sorry, my sweetheart."

The blond boy with stormy eyes and metal shards decorating his mullet curled his nose.

"No!", he crossed his little arms in front of his chest.

Thor chuckled.

"A warrior doesn't apologise for his strength.", he agreed. "It's not his fault if Tyr brings his human. He should have picked an Asgardian as a helping hand. They don't shatter so easily."

"Thor.", the goddess of harvest put a hand on her husbands chest. "There is no shame in admitting wrongdoings. Magni hurt a friend of Tyr. He shall be responsible for it."

Her eyes fell onto you.

"I am not in need of an apology, lady Sif.", you bowed your head. "It merely hurts."

"In that case, let me aid with the pain."

She was about to reach out to offer her healing powers as you pulled back. Perhaps it was a little too harsh for she looked at you with confusion and a slight hint of offence.

"Are you denying my wife?", Thor growled.

You flinched at his voice. It brought back many memories, a day long gone and a river drenched with the blood of your people.

Goosebumps grew all over your body as you tried to withstand his gaze.

"Brother.", Tyr pushed himself between you and the god of thunder. "With all due respect."

"Which is none, from you.", Thor huffed.

For a moment the god of war pressed his lips into a thin line and just looked at the god of thunder. He barely let out a deep breath.

You knew this way of acting from him. He wanted to keep his mind calm and not start a fight. However, if his brother kept on pushing, Tyr would push back at some point.

Even his patience wasn't indefinite.

"Thor.", all of a sudden Tyr's voice was so cold and serious that it felt like it had dropped a few octaves. "No one wants to disrespect your wife. But if there is no help needed then there is no use to force it."

A low growl vibrated in Thor's throat as he kept his eyes locked with his brother for one more moment. Then he glanced at you.

His eyes were so hard that it made your skin crawl. You would have liked to vanish inside the shadows. Those were the eyes of a murderer.

The murderer of all your people.

And now they started at you.

Was this how the other giants had felt like?

Fear. So much cold fear that tied your throat.

"Alas...", the redhead said with his teeth clenched. "Then we shall leave you to it."

As soon as he turned to his wife, who held his other son in her arms, the stony expression on Thor's face faded and he breathed a kiss to her lips.

"We wish you a good day, lord Tyr.", Sif bowed her head in respect. "And you too. Again. My apologies."

With a smile you accepted her words, out of fear that Thor would take it the wrong way again, and rushed to hide in Tyr's shadow once more.

Your hand was still tightly wrapped around the spot that indicated who you truly were. The beating of your heart was still running wild.

"My apologies that you had to witness my brother in his...", Tyr took a deep breath and shrugged. "Usual way. Are you alright?"

His eyes fell onto your hand.

Unsure, you shook your head.

"I fear not.", you let him peak underneath your palm. "The spell... My human skin is fading."

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