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"Excuse the mess.", Odin said with a gesture forwards his gigantic table that was covered with all sorts of papers and books. "I was busy, as you can tell."

"Yes.", Tyr confirmed, either to appease his father or to agree. "I can tell you've been... invested in your cause."

A sarcastic huff escaped the Allfather.

"How many times have I told you not to treat me like a fool, Tyr?", he asked with a lifted finger as he fetched a book from one of his many shelves. "I am working towards a better future."

The god of war crossed his arms in front of his chest and let out a deep sigh.

"You are trying to avoid fate.", he replied and threw a glance over to you.

The cave of the Allfather wasn't as hostile looking as you had expected it to be. Instead, it was well lit, with loads of candles, and a cozy appearance filled with books and manuscripts.

Even though this was the deepest place of enemy territory you could feel curiosity itch in the tips of your fingers.

How many secrets did lay hidden in this cave?

"Don't be shy.", Odin suddenly said as he caught you throwing a closer look at the things that gathered on his desk. "Have at it. I'm sure you won't be bored."

With a thin smile you swallowed but did not dare actually take something. Your gaze jumped up to Tyr.

He met your eyes. And nodded.

"An invite is an invite.", he said and did a gesture to show you a rolled up manuscript that was hidden under some books. "This..."

It was but a whisper, so you knew immediately that Odin wouldn't like this to get lost. However, if Tyr wanted it you wouldn't hesitate. He knew what he needed it for.

And you wanted to be helpful.

So, as the Allfather was busy with a strange green-glowing crack that was seemed to cut through the world yet just your mind.

It felt hostile. Almost like an enemy that did not wish to fight but would if needed.

Almost enchanted by the sight, Odin held out his arms and leaned forward.

"Allfather.", Tyr suddenly said and walked up to get him away from it. "I beg you. This is insanity."

"Don't lecture me, Tyr! You sound just like Freya."

"Lady Freya is a smart woman."

"She's cowardly!"

You used the moment of distraction to get closer to the table, close enough to grab the object of Tyr's desire, but not close enough to being able to pull it out without making a mess.

This had to go down unnoticed.

As he caught his father in an argument, Tyr threw a glance over his shoulder to have a silent exchange. He knew you'd be able to pull this theft off but asked you not to be reckless.

He worried. And he wanted you to act on your own judgement, not his request.

Either way, you slid even closer to the desk and grabbed the manuscript. As soon as your fingers wrapped around it you could feel a bolt of icy shivers chase down your spine.

It made you want to pull back your hand without it but you resisted and quickly let it disappear in one of your many bags.

Suddenly it felt like you carried the weight of an entire universe. As if all of your pockets were filled with rocks, wanting to push you into the ground.

Was it the manuscript or just the beating of your heart?

If the Allfather would ever catch you. You didn't even want to think about the consequences. It made you shiver just imagining it.

And yet. You had made a decision and you wouldn't back down on it.

"I told you that I can't do this.", Tyr's voice suddenly cut through your mind.

Irritated, you frowned.

"You're my son.", Odin snarled, visibly displeased. "And I am your king. It's an order!"

"You're asking for too much!", Tyr joined your side once more, kept his back towards Odin. "Once again."

It was strange that his eyes immediately went to lock with yours. As if he needed to have a silent proof from you that everything was alright.

With a soft smile and a small nod you confirmed that things had went according to plan.

His eyes closed and a slim sigh of relief rolled off his bearded lips.

"Very well.", Tyr turned back to meet his fathers irritated gaze. "I think it is time for us to take our leave. We don't want to overstay our welcome."

Odin frowned. His lips moved and for a brief second it seemed like he was about to growl at his own son with resentment.

"You are always welcome in my studies.", he finally said.

His face softened again and he opened his arms to offer a hug.

Tyr never accepted it. And if you would have been him you wouldn't have accepted either. It was visible that this gesture wasn't meant sincere. It was to serve a purpose and to calm the storm.

The Allfather simply did not want to destroy the little relationship he had left with his son. Not as long as he still needed him.

Or his connections.

"If you'll excuse us now.", Tyr lowered his head in a quick bow and turned to signalise you that he wanted you to go first. "We have many things on our plate."

Maybe a bit too quick, you took the steps up the stairs of stone. Not a single time did you look back and missed how the Allfather's eyes followed you.

A strange shimmer was visible in this pale blue of his.

However, Tyr took his time before he stepped through the door. And he did see the expression on his fathers face.

The door fell shut and the two of you were left again in a long, dark and stuffy corridor.

It was so silent that you could hear the beating of your own heart echo in the shadows.

"Do not worry about him.", Tyr's hands gently lay on your shoulder. "I will assure you he will never get too close to you."

You had to swallow hard.

"But how close is too close, lord Tyr?", you asked with a bitter laugh.

"However close you're comfortable with."

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