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Despite his ancient age the Allfather was still a man who knew how to whiled a weapon. Especially a spear.

Tyr himself preferred this kind of blade. It allowed him to keep his distance while he also had a wide range to attack. Most enemies underestimated just how much in reach they were.

However, not Odin.

If his son dared to say one good thing about his father then it was that he had an impressive way of fighting. He was always out of reach. And yet always close enough to land a slash.

The god of war had to learn that lesson the hard way. He paid with his ignorance with a side cut that the spear of Odin caused between his ribs.

Blood soaked into his shirt and made the fabric stick to his skin as he jumped back with his teeth bared and a hiss in his throat.

"You underestimate your old man, Tyr.", Odin said with a glimpse of satisfaction in his eye. "I never wanted it to come this far!"

Tyr tore the shirt open to have a look a the wound, a minor one, painful and burning like hellfire nonetheless.

"And yet here you are.", he replied in a cocky manner. "Attacking me."

"You challenged me.", Odin took a step forward.

Ravens covered the ground below his feet. Their black feathers were like snow, yet so much more cruel and not pretty to look at.

Some of their forms faded as the Allfather got too close and fell apart until just a skull and bones were left.

It made an unpleasant shiver of discomfort crawl down Tyr's spine.

Never before had he seen his own father in such an aggressive manner. He had always had people to be cruel in his place.

Once the god of war had been that placeholder.

And after him his brothers. Thor with the giants and Heimdall was cruel still. Perhaps it was even in his nature to act this way.

No matter what it was, Tyr knew that he would have to bleed in this fight. Worse even, it was very likely that he would have to give his life. After all he had been arrogant enough to challenge the king of the gods.

"You've taken it one step too far!", Odin snarled as he swung at Tyr again.

Out of reflex, the god of war took a step back. His eyes were on the tip of the spear, the point that was able to get the closest to him. He took a step back, turned his own weapon and let the dull end collide with the sharp one of his fathers.

The two spears collided with earth other. The shockwave was so harsh that it almost made Tyr loose his grip. His hand slipped, reached out just to grab the spear of his father.

Tyr was taller than Odin. Not only that but he also held more body strength, not just because of his size but also because he was of lesser age.

Thousands of years collided in this very moment.

Rage met resentment.

For a moment the two of them struggled to fight down one and another. The Allfather wasn't as weak as his body suggested.

His appearance was just to fool his enemies.

Tyr changed his stance. His leg jumped forward, up and hit the spear of his father just right. The balance shifted.

Odin stumbled. With his old body he had to fall back and seek cover behind a wall of ravens.

In his rage, Tyr cut through the wall. But he was left with emptiness.

Baffled, he let down his guard for a brief second.

All of a sudden a sharp pain sliced his back. With a scream, the god of war got to his knees only to suffer a few more cuts to his back before he could turn and counteract.

Blindly, he managed to hit his father in the face. The sharp tip of his spear cut a deep wound into the side of the Allfathers face.

Struck by surprise, Odin lost his balance. Blood poured all over his face. It wetted his lips and soaked into his beard.

Red mingled with white and grey.

Tyr struck his chance.

He flipped his spear, let it cut through the air and pierced it with all his might. He did not hit as fatal as he wanted to.

However, he managed to injure his father in a way that shifted the balance of the fight.

Blood splashed all over the green grass as Odin fell to the ground. Tyr's spear had pierced his leg.

He did not waste a second, jumped forward and pinned his father down into the ground. The iron tip of his spear cut through his shoulder, tore muscles and flesh apart, and went into the ground below.

A trail of red ran down the wooden handle, fell like rain onto the blossoms of flowers and painted everything in a gory way.

Sweat shimmered on Tyr's forehead as he kneeled over the Allfather, his shadow swallowing him entirely. His eyes glowed golden, not soft but rather unnatural and frightening.

Like an animal in the dead of night.

With his teeth clenched Odin moved slightly only to suffer a twist of the weapon that was struck through his flesh.

He yelped. His hands flinched in pain while feathers of black dangled through the air.

"Do not force me.", Tyr said in a voice so calm that it could have been like the deep sea before it swallowed a ship with all its pieces and the crew, never to be seen again. "I don't desire violence. Not even against you. Father."

Odin's eyes narrowed. There was still so much will to fight back in him.

Just how much did it need to get this old man to accept his fate?

Or any fate in general?

"You can't kill me now.", the Allfather hissed with his teeth bared while he reached up to grab his sons face in both a loving yet desperately hateful manner. "Fate won't allow it."

A huff of mockery escaped the god of war.

"You're right, your death isn't destined to happen today.", he said and turned the spear just a little more to bathe in the pain on his fathers face for once. "But I will be able to alter the details."

Without any emotion he reached out to grab the damaged eye of Odin with two of his fingers.

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