Bound till Death

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"Don't look at me without permission, foolish mortal."

His piercing red gaze bore into your own. Your legs were weak and trembling at the sight of the massive four-armed demon. He was adorned in thick black tattoos that trailed past the white kimono tied at his waist.

The room was hot, the air so dense it could be cut with scissors. The walls seemed nonexistent as they were lost in dancing black shadows.

It reeked of fear, a scent the demon relished.

Your hoarse voice croaked shakily, "There's n-no way this is real."

Your words irked the creature, his voice rose and bellowed through the small space, "You dare to question my presence?! Speak of your intentions now or I shall end your pathetic life."

You snapped your eyes shut and covered your ears. Tears slipped past your lashes as you lowered yourself to your knees.

"I-I summoned you because...b-because..."


"Demons aren't real," The bubbly laughter from the young man you consider your best friend erupted beside you.

"How could you say that?! You believe ghosts are real! Aren't they the same thing?" The hustling traffic roared as the lunch rush hours began. The afternoon sun was blisteringly hot, scorching the earth beneath it.

"Ghosts and demons are totally different! Why are you picking this hill to die on? You deny ghosts all the time, yet you believe in demons?"

"Yuji, I don't not believe in them, we've seen some weird stuff. I'm just saying, if you think ghosts are real then why not demons? Also, you better have proof to back that up, aren't demons like a type of ghost?" You pointed at him accusingly. The two of you strolled down the cement sidewalk, weaving between the thick crowd while staying close to each other.

Yuji shook his head in disbelief, "There's a witchy shop a few blocks from here, they can prove it! I'm sure they'll have more common sense than you."

You smacked the back of his head, "Hey! Don't insult my intelligence!"

"Ow! Hey! That was unnecessary!" Yuji huffed, but a smile crept onto his lips as he stared down at your disgruntled expression. "Wanna get some munchies after this?"

"Of course, I do, what kind of question is that?" Your frustration wavered as you looked over at Yuji's bright sunshine smile.

You two have been friends ever since you were little. He's your only true friend really. Yuji's charismatic personality always made it easy for him to socialize. Yuji has lots of friends, his circle is big, but he likes to keep you at the center of it.

While you enjoy hanging out with his friends, none of them really see you as Yuji does. He pushes you out of your introverted shell, whether you like it or not.

You've always appreciated Yuji's attempts at getting you more friends, but you can't force someone to like you. Your anxious and timid mindset has always prevented you from meeting new people, let alone connecting with the people Yuji introduces you to.

Somehow Yuji weaseled his way into your life and never left.

The bell above the door rang out, signaling your entry into the small shop. It smelled of incense and various herbs being burned. Colorful rocks and crystals covered some of the shelves while odd-looking voodoo trinkets filled any gaps.

There was a light smoke lingering as well, causing you to cough to bit.

A single woman stood behind the counter toward the front of the store, she was quick to look up and greet the two of you.

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