Solace With Satoru

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Satoru's lips brushed yours, but he hesitated. He stared into your glossy eyes as you clutched his shirt.

He sighed and pulled back, "You're too drunk."

"Huh?" You scrunched your brows in confusion, your mind was groggy and you weren't really sure what he meant.

Satoru smiled softly, "Come on, let's get you some water." He was gentle as he moved his grip off your waist and onto your hands. He glanced around your apartment and shuffled you over to the couch. You stumbled slightly but he didn't let you fall. Once you were sat, he walked over to the kitchen and started opening up cabinets in search of a glass.

You rubbed your eyes and slouched down on the sofa. You felt tired and slightly buzzed but you didn't think you were that drunk.

Satoru perked up when he located the cups. He filled the glass with ice and water before returning to the living room.

Sukuna stood behind the couch, "You're seriously letting this brat stay here?" You ignored him.

"Here," He gingerly held the glass up to your lips. The cold seeped into your skin and the chill of the water gave you goosebumps as you cupped your hands over his and drank. After a moment he pulled the glass away from you.

You peered up at him through your lashes, "I'm not very drunk."

"You're too drunk to drive therefore too drunk to fuck," Satoru stated as he sat beside you. That pretty smile of his was still present.

"I guess that makes sense," You looked forward and stared at the black TV screen.

"Not too drunk to cuddle though," Satoru slung his arm around you and pulled you closer, "How's a movie sound? I know this great action flick with this huge plot twist at the end. The hero was actually the villain the whole time!"

You pouted as you rested your head against his chest, "You just spoiled it."

"Hm? Oh I guess I did. Let's watch it!" He spotted the TV remote on the coffee table and scooped it up. He navigated through your streaming services but frowned, "I can't believe you don't have Netflix."

"I can't afford to have a lot of streaming services. I'm fine the few I have," You yawned and shut your eyes.

"I'll log you into mine then," Satoru proclaimed and he did just that. After downloading the streaming service and logging in, he pulled up the movie.

He laid back on the couch and carefully pulled you up to lay on top of him. Your head rested on his chest and your legs were tucked together between his. He snatched the blanket that laid over the back of the sofa and laid it over the two of you, seeing as your apartment was freezing.

Your arms loosely fell around Satoru's neck as he snaked his around your waist, holding you firmly against him.

"Do you just let any man touch you like that?" Sukuna hissed, but you didn't respond. You were busy listening to Satoru's steady breathing and rhythmic heartbeat. Anger built in Sukuna's chest at your lack of a reaction.

Satoru just felt so warm in contrast to the cold room. It was soothing. Being so close to someone like this was relaxing, and brought you a peace of mind you hadn't felt in so long.

It didn't take long for you to drift to sleep in Satoru's arms.


The next morning you were surprised to find Satoru gone, and a little note on your coffee table. You were wrapped up in the blanket still on the couch, and your head was killing you.

You were slow to get up, your stomach churning in hunger. You rubbed your eyes and reached forward for the note. Your mind buzzing from the hangover and your eyes squinting from the bright light.

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