Let's Be Nothing

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Some time passed and the nurses continued to come in regularly to check on you. After about an hour you were fully conscious and feeling almost no pain due to the heavy painkillers. Your thoughts were up to speed but it was still hard for you to talk due to the pressure in your lungs.

"Did I tell you about the new co-op game? It's supposed to have a bunch of new content and I think you'd like it," Yuji hadn't left your side. He wanted to give you his milkshake but the nurses said you shouldn't eat anything until they figure out what was wrong.

"I think you were telling me about it before I fainted," You sipped at your water, and Sukuna still held onto your other hand. Your body seemed to be lagging behind the rest of you, and you felt awfully numb.

"When you get out of here we can play it! I have it on my switch, so you can come over and we can have a sleepover," Yuji kept his eyes on the TV screen.

He doesn't like to think about you being sick. The first time, you were bedridden for nearly two months and had undergone a few different surgeries. That's where most of the scars on your chest and stomach came from. You never did finish telling Sukuna about the other scars.

"A sleepover sounds nice," You smiled softly, but Yuji didn't look. He can't stand seeing all the machines and your ill-ridden features. You looked so pale and it was clear you were still in pain. He hated seeing you in pain.

Sukuna spoke up in a quiet manner so as to not scare you, "You should be resting. Not chatting." You looked up to him with a deep appreciation for his words. It was nice seeing the big bad demon caring for you.

You hoped your illness was something different than before, but you knew deep down it was the same. These symptoms, this pain, it's all the same but amplified. You were told they got all the bad stuff out of you, but you have a feeling they missed some.

You hoped if you willed it to be something different, to be easy to cure, that it would be that way. You wanted to leave this hospital. You didn't want to go through all that again.

A soft knock at the door interrupted your thoughts. It clicked open and the three of you looked over to see who it was.

It was a woman with long brown hair and dark bags under her eyes, a faint lingering scent of cigarettes wafted off of her as she moved to stand at the end of your bed, "My name is Shoko Ieiri, and I'm your doctor. Are you a friend or relative?" She looked at Yuji.

He stood dutifully and bowed, "I am Yuji Itadori! Best friend!"

"Alright, are you comfortable with him in here while we discuss your condition?" She looked back at you and you nodded. Yuji is more of a brother to you than a friend. You need his support. You wanted Ieiri to tell you it was some fluke thing and that you could be released to go home.

Though you knew that wasn't going to be the case.

Ieiri cleared her throat and scanned over the clipboard in her hand, "We understand you've had a rather rough past in terms of illnesses. You received surgery when you were nine to remove dead tissue, is that correct?"

"Yes," You coughed a bit.

She nodded, "We ran some blood work overnight, and from what we can tell, the infected tissue wasn't all removed. This is just a hypothesis but it has probably spread back into your lungs and what's important is we act quickly-"

Her words became muffled as you sat there and stared at her. The annoying beeping of the heart monitor faded away with the rest of the equipment and your ears began to ring.

That was the last thing you wanted to hear from your doctor. You almost died from this when you were a kid. If it's been growing back for twenty-odd years then who knows where it's at right now? Why is it just showing symptoms now?

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