Just Relax

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Once Sukuna finished washing you, you returned the favor. It was a bit harder for you, and Sukuna didn't help much. He was amused at your attempts to reach upward.

Once you were all done, you dried yourselves off and changed into some comfy pajamas. You picked shorts and a sweater again, but you decided that you weren't tired enough yet.

For the first time, you let Sukuna pick what to watch while you wind down the night.

Sukuna sat in the middle of the couch and you grabbed your blanket, curling up in his lap and making yourself comfy in his arms.

You were leaning back against his chest, one of his hands playing with your slightly damp hair and his others resting on various parts of your body. You were holding onto one of his hands, tracing your fingers over his palm, following the creases in his skin.

"What movie did you pick? What's it about?" You questioned without taking your eyes off the screen. The opening credits were rolling.

"You'll see," Sukuna murmured.

Sukuna's been eyeing some movies when you scroll. Typically you pick the cheesy romance movies but he wanted to watch horror. You had been too busy getting comfy to notice what he picked though.

When the company 'Blumhouse' appeared you looked back to Sukuna, "Horror? Really?"

"Not a fan of scary things?" He smirked wickedly.

"Well, you're scary and I like you," You defended yourself, even though you don't typically enjoy the horror genre.

"You think I'm scary?"

"I think in a common sense you'd be considered scary, but it's a kind of scary I like," You let your gaze fall down to his hand, "Lately scary things and things I like have been confusing me."

"Is that so?" Sukuna drifted one of his hands onto your waist and squeezed lightly.

"I used to be afraid of you," You murmured, "But I'm not anymore. I like everything about you now."

"Everything? Are you sure you like everything?"

You thought for a moment before shifting around in his lap to face him, you were somewhat straddling him, though with how his legs were slightly spread it was difficult.

"Yeah, everything," You scanned over his face, the light from the TV shifting around and moving the shadows from crease to crevice.

"I doubt that," Sukuna's smirk had vanished and he stared at you with a blank expression. Tilting his head slightly as you reached up to his face.

"Why?" You felt a little betrayed. How come he doesn't believe you? Why is he calling you a liar?

"You have a tendency to avoid certain... areas," Sukuna knew any vulgar language might throw you off, so he picked his words carefully.

"Huh?" You furrowed your brows.

Sukuna tightened his grip on your waist, "Like this." He rolled his hips up and against yours.

You flushed red and your hands fell to grip his biceps, "H-Hey wait-"

"See?" Sukuna still had that blank face, he pondered your reaction, a bit nervous you might try to get off of him.

"I'm not scared... of that," You averted your gaze from him. Your face burned from embarrassment.

"If you're not scared, then why do you act like that?"

"I'm just... nervous," You swallowed hard and leaned forward to bury your face in the crook of his neck. Sukuna hadn't really expected that answer.

"Why are you nervous? Are you concerned I'd hurt you?"

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